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Life with my husband, kids and his parents

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I hate my life. Other than my children who I love and adore. I am 23 and living with my husband and his parents in there house. He is trying to get into the CHP but he is so negative about everything else. I want to move out but how? ahhhhh. I am even willing to just take the kids and leave him behind if he doesn't get his * * * movin!

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I hate my life. Other than my children who I love and adore. I am 23 and living with my husband and his parents in there house. He is trying to get into the CHP but he is so negative about everything else. I want to move out but how? ahhhhh. I am even willing to just take the kids and leave him behind if he doesn't get his * * * movin!


Living with relatives as a married couple can be very stressful. I have a couple of friends that had to do this for financial reasons, and they were not happy either.


Besides living with relatives, how is your marriage in general? This might be one of those times that you have to remember those vows: for better or for worse... If you truly love him, then you will get through this together.


I do agree with the others that you need to tell him how unhappy you are with this situation and insist on some kind of action plan or timeline so at least you'll have a goal to work towards and some hope that this situation is only temporary.


Do you work? Do you get a chance to get out of the house? I think it would be a very good idea to try to not be "home" as much as possible. Take your kids out, go on a date with your husband, meet up with friends, take on a new hobby. You need something to give you your own space so you're not always around your in-laws, and so you can feel a sense of independence.



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