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Hi Everyone,


As I have posted here before I have had a rough time with my boss. Anyway I have to hand this evaluation that he needs to mark within this week so that it reaches my University on time. However, this man doesn't seem to care about it.


I have tried asking him last week and he continued to say how he forgot it at another store that he is managing. Then the next day he said he wont be in and he will be on Monday (which is today). So I wait all weekend.


I called him up just now and I asked him when he was working. His response was cold and he said, "he isnt going there today". I was left feeling dumb but continued the convo saying, "umm i thought u said Monday?"

He replied, "Well not today".

I was like , "okay so when are you going to be there because I need the evaluation".

He went on to say, "I dont know, I am not sure when I will be going there, maybe tomorrow?"

At this time I didnt know how to contunie the conversation so I just said okay I will call you tomorrow then. Take care, hes like yep bye.


This left me feeling a little angry and confused. I dont know why its so hard to finish this evaluation and give it to me. I gave him plenty of time to finish it, however, I feel like hes making excuses? I am not sure ...he just pisses me off with his non excusing behaviour where I am not sure what he wants or how he wants it.

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Sounds like the poster wanted to vent and get some advice on how to handle his situation with his boss? Am I correct?


I was in a very similar situation to yours about 4 years ago, but with a professor who was supposed to write me a positive letter of recommendation to graduate school. I asked her in mid-November and the letters were due Feb. 1. I thought that was more than sufficient time. I also gave her the addressed envelopes with stamps on them, so they were all ready to go once she wrote the letter. I followed up twice in Jan. and she still hadn't gotten to them. By the end of the first week of Feb., I was getting letters in the mail and emails from the graduate schools, telling me that they were missing a letter of recommendation and told me which ones they had. This professor had every excuse to not have my letters done. She was busy, out of town, etc. I was upset, esp. when she told me that she would write me a positive letter of recommendation. I found out much later that the letter that she wrote me was negative. I didn't get accepted into the graduate school of my choice. Then this professor invited me to her office, made me an offer to be her graduate student, offered me a stipend that included tuition, etc. To make a long story short, it was a big mistake on my part to trust her and to try to work with her. Things did not work out.


Back to your story...why is your boss procrastinating filling out your evaluation? Is this for a class? Will you get credit for it? Are you close to graduating? Does your boss have a motive for keeping you around longer? I don't think your boss is dependable and sounds like my professor who ultimately didn't care about me or what I was trying to accmplish? Is there anyone else that you can get to fill out the evaluation? If so, I would recommend having them do it. If there's not, I would be as sweet as pie to your boss and explain to him how important this evaluation is to you and just ask him WHEN he can get it filled out and tell him when the deadline is.



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Butwhybother: Yeah I was venting plus any kind of advice or encouragement would be appreciated.


Ballys, Thank you for your advice.


This is an internship for university and this evuation is an interim report which will make or break my marks. This is the way that the professor who is the head of the interns knows we are doing well, and our managers are not having trouble with us.


I dunt think he cares about me because it has been shown from day 2. He just doesn't care when I come in, how I am in life, what kind of person I am...etc...he just doesn't take interest in me. I have written my pervious posts about him and I have gotten stuck with an * * *! I still try to make conversations with him and everything, however, all I get are the one word sentences.


Anyway to cut this short...If he doesn't have it by tomorrow I will ask him when he will be at the place I am working and just print out another one and have him do it right away because this is really getting annoying. I hope for my sake he has nothing negative to say about me because I have worked really hard so far.


The other thing is hes just a highschool graduate who manages 3 stores..so his ego is really high and doesn not think much of students like me who want to get more education.


More Advice or encourgement is needed!

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