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I've had other posts about my ex... how she left to virginia for OBC traning. Its been almost a month since shes been gone and she has told me that she wants me to visit her and that she will pay for half the ticket. So at first i was like wow she really misses me wow? Yea so today i find out some ugly * * * punk that was a friend of hers is also going to visit her for the weekend... hmmmmm... and the funny thing is she only has 1 room.. hmmmm... yea.. so i just texted her "can i go on so and so weekend" which is the same weekend hes going on.. Im waiting on what she says.. to see if she lies to me or not. Either way my friend told me to "Fcuk IT" "shes not my girl anymore" -- any opinions it would help.

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Just a word of advice... never make assumptions. Assumptions will kill you! Your mind works in mysterious ways, and chances are you are always going to think the worst. This will drive you nuts! Unless you know for a FACT what is going on, drive it out of your mind, nothing good can come from it.


Pick up this book:


"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.


It is awesome! Something to live your daily life by that is so simple, and will have a lasting impact on the way you live your day to day life. It has done wonders for me, and I cannot speak highly enough of it. I have passed it around to 6 other people I know, and they all love it at well, and have adapted it into their lifestyles... give it a try!

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Wow i will definetly look into that book. About confronting her, since this is something im most likely not supposed to find about .. I just texted her that "i would like to visit her on the 22nd of july" which is when HE is going to be there.. So if she lies to me by saying "oh im going to be busy by working or something" then i know she has something to hide. So indirectly i will find out. I will def. pick up the book though. Thanks.

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so yea i spoke with her yesterday.. and she straight up lied to me. "I have field exercises that weekend sorry" yea ok buddy.. i even made her feel real bad (i hope) by saying " i really trust you won't lie to me" and i kept saying " there really is no reason to lie to me for anything cuz i really believe in you" great.. so yea im not speaking to her anymore.. what an * * *. Two years being the best to her.. and she lies about it.. and not to mention this guy is so ugly haha .. o well.

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so yea i spoke with her yesterday.. and she straight up lied to me. "I have field exercises that weekend sorry" yea ok buddy.. i even made her feel real bad (i hope) by saying " i really trust you won't lie to me" and i kept saying " there really is no reason to lie to me for anything cuz i really believe in you" great.. so yea im not speaking to her anymore.. what an * * *. Two years being the best to her.. and she lies about it.. and not to mention this guy is so ugly haha .. o well.


hahahaha, that's awesome! You handled that situation well. That's well played guilt.

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hehe, as hardshowingaffection said, don't make assumptions, she might have a field exercises that weekend for real, maybe just to avoid the other friend? she even pays for the ticket so it shows you are somewhat important


so i think you should talk to her, be honest and tell her that you already know her ugly lol friend coming to see her that weekend, if she lied and why, her lie being busted is worse for her and better for you ( you get some closure to move on) than playing the guilt game, which she might not get

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