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My boyfriend and I have been together for a long time and throughout our relationship I have always found his close friendships with ex girlfriends difficult to deal with. I'm not sure why it bothers me but it does and I am always suspicious of them really. He dated a girl for a year and they are not friends and I don't give her a second thought. But girls he dated for a month or so and are best friends with him get to me. Do I have some kind of control/trust problem?

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Do I have some kind of control/trust problem?


Well, that depends I think. Is there evidence to support your thinking? Do they talk on the phone every night? Hug and kiss each other? Anything suspicious going on?


If there is absolutely no reason or reasons to support your thinking, then this is all in your head and you might have a little problem there...most likely a little insecurity going on thinking he'll dump you for these other girls because these other girls are prettier, more athletic, or whatever...

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You may have some insecurity issues occurring. Your best bet is to try not to think of his relationships with x's as threatening. Especially since they lasted only a month. He is with you and that is what is important.



But if you see evidence of suspicious behavoir i would question it and deal with it then.

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