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Okay, so it seems like the most popular response that I always seem to get here is to go NC. Well, I can't do that, I can't strait up ignore him. However, I do realize that I am completely tearing myself apart.


I need some input on this. Him being out of state for the summer will actually help. I'll answer his calls from time to time, when HE calls, but I'll never call him. No more of this talking for hours everyday and tearing me apart crap. I'll place myself noticably farther away from him... Let him see what its like when I'm not always at his beck and call... don't get me wrong, I'm not really angry with him. I just need to distance myself. This isn't easy. My bestfriend is no longer my bestfriend... just a person I occasionally talk to.


I know its not as good as strait up NC, but our friendship runs to deep for that... so what do you think? If it works... the next hurdle will be returning to college...



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