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getting someone to love me

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I met this beautiful girl in 6th grade, I remembered her name from preschool and I wanted to get to know her. Well, I fell madly in love with her. She move out of state the summer after 7th grade, that tore me appart, but my love for her only got stronger. I had planned to chase her to college and get her to love me back. 8th grade was hard and 9th even harder. She came back to town this summer, it had been two years and I could finnaly see her again.


Okay, she likes my best friend and come to find out he's starting to like her back. I've never known a girl more kind or beautiful than her, she's all I have to live for and I don't want to lose her. My friend knows how much I love hermore than anybody else and says he would'nt take her from me, and I believe him, but there is more than just him to compete with.


My friend acted like they were going out so that he could get his share before I take her. She spent time with my friend and myself the whole time she was here, I felt so jeallous seeing him with her, but I promised I wouldn't get mad. The last night she was here, I kind of made a fool of myself, she said it was alright but I felt scared. I sometimes feel like I will lose her.


After she left I told my friend my fear, he encouraged me, saying that I'll succeed at getting her to love me back. "You can do it." He said that my problem is that I'm not confident enough, I'm too kind, too much of a gentleman, too shy, and that I need to be at least a little roudy. He says a woman wants a guy that can be roudy but who can still show he's a gentleman. Many people think I'm cool and I can show it. Fact is when I see her I am so stuned by her beauty that I don't show my cool side and my shyness takes over.


I will soon be a Sophmore in HS. I have three years to prepare myself, to train at getting less shy, so when I go to college I can get her to love me back. To prove my worth to her.


I've never dated . I've never experienced a kiss. Basically, I'm completely unprepared.


What do I do? Do I date other girls to get experience? Do I just wait until college and date her? I need advise, help. If anyone has advise, I would appreciate it.


I won't and can't lose her, but I need help.

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Hey man, read your story. Really hits home.


Listen, no matter how beautiful she is and how much you are attracted to her, you gotta be yourself. The reason she may like your friend is because maybe he is a liitle more outgoing than you. From my experience, I think about 90 percent of women are only attracted to outgoing guys. My tip: Outshine your friend.(unless you're shy by nature.) Make a fool out of your self, but not too big a one, okay? If you want to wait for this girl you're in love with, go ahead. Only date if you want to, not because you feel obligated to for experience. Maybe that's a really good idea. If you date, she'll wanna know what these other girls you're seeing are getting. And if she likes you even a little bit, that will make her want you more.

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Sorry, but i have to disagree with gemini. I personally am always falling for the shy ones, as a lot of girls do. I'd say only 50 or 60 percent of girls fall for the outgoing guys. Sorry, a little off the subject :scatter:

So anyway, girls usually dont like guys who cant act like themselves. If you're a gentleman, be one. At least she knows who you really are. Cause really, you want her to love you for who you are, not who you can be if you really try. My best advice is be yourself. The rest should fall into place. I wish you the best of luck!


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Thank you two for your responses. The thing is, I will not go far from myself. Infact my own self will be what changes. Really what I will do is work on bringing out myself instead of being trapped behind my own shyness. I just need to show her who I really am and not as much who I can TRY to be. And about dating other girls, that isn't to get her to want find out what she's missing. It is merely to dispose of, not all, but most of my shyness and find out who I am so even I am sure. I realize that some girls like the shy type. But she seems to like someone who's open.

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It concerns me that you say she is all you have to live for? Someone once said to me and I thought this was really good advice so Ill pass it on to you. How do you know if you really love them if you dont have anything to compare it to? I would say date other people, not getting practice for her but for yourself, you should never do anything just for someone else you should want to do it for yourself. You are only young. Dont make your life about getting this one girls love back because it might be alot of hard work, concerntrate on other thigns that make you happy and date some other girls.

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