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no thats the thing i told her i wanted to do that and she said she would never forgive me, she wants to be with me she says and that she loves me shes just not sure what she wants. she even has the nerve to tell me that she never wants to have sex nor kiss another boy..and its like well is that a sign that u want to be with me? i just try and try adn im the one who gets hurt.

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this girl is straight you say right? i know this must be very hard for you, but what more can you do? you cant control her confusion or her feelings, not matter how hard you try or how hard you want to. it sucks, but if you think about it, anything you do now will not change to decide whether shes straight or not. i think shes confused, you need to give her space and go NC for a little while until things straighten out.

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yeah the other day i told her i was talking to some "new people that i met" aka this website lol and i told her ideas that the "new people" asid and she said "wow i cant believe you would listen to people who dont even know me" im still gunna give her space, your right im the only one who is getting hurt

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I really hope you can get through this, WTD. Be careful about mentioning this website in too much detail, she might consider it an invasion of privacy, though maybe not. I think what you're doing by the NC thing is a good decision, and I know how hard it can be.

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  • 1 month later...

Take each day as it comes and you will become stronger and it won't hurt you as much.


I agree that the girl doesn't know what her sexuality is at present. She needs time by herself to figure it out.


My advise is continue to go NC with her because I think she's using you as a safety blanket. If this is the case you will continue to get hurt. Nobody deserves to have that.


In a months time you'll feel a lot stronger and will have probably moved on to a new relationship.


Good luck

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