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Im So Depressed Tonight..not Sure I Can Go On

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I have posted on here before...and im here now crying so much i cant see the screen...

Im SO down tonight...some of you will know that my husband left me 8 weeks ago...very sudden ..he has been very depressed...and is refusing to see most people including his own children...he told me this week he is gettting worse now he is alone in his flat..and thankfully is getting help.

i still hope we may get back together when he is clearer and feels better after treatment.

he told a friend yesterday that he still loves me but cant cope with people around him at the moment...he even switched his phone off as he panics and his heart races when it rings.....he just isnt thinking straight or abt anything at the moment...he is in this big dark place ...

BUT I miss him SOOOO much...it doesnt seem right...i want to see him and hug him....he said he will think abt us going for a walk in few weeks...but I just want to see him now..and cant imaging life without him...he is my soulmate...and i feel that my heart has been ripped out...i trying to keep occcupied and busy but tonight i cant stop crying...and i want to die...im so


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awww. i feel for you, i really do. but once you and your husband end up geting help then you can decide waht to do from there. there really is nothign in your power to do except support him adn do as he wishes. you need to focus on you. i know you care deeply about your husband. you should try some new activities, start getting busy, have a routine, adn most definetly you need to get counseling if you dont already have it. i hope you feel better

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Sadly I agree, you just have to leave him the space he needs and do your best to take care of YOU right now. That is very important.


Things will be alright, just focus on keeping you and the kids together, because this is affecting them badly right now too I'm sure.


I'm sure he loves you and this will resolve itself. He is trying to distance himself for all your sakes.


Hugs to you!

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