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The thing is. I hate this situation. Long story. Bear with me.


Me and my ex had been together for a year when I went abroad as an exchange student. I was supposed to spend there 5 months and we were more than in love. But something happened.


He wanted to get married, have children all that and I felt like that was too much to ask. We're both barely over 20 and I thought that was not an option. I still do. So I told him that I don't agree and then I started having these feelings that I'm not happy blah blah blah. Omg. I was stupid. I didn't listen to him when he tried to tell me we can work everything out and we don't need to get married etc.


So we broke up and he was devastated. He didn't eat, sleep, anything. And he kept telling me that we have to be friends and when I come back home we have to talk and all that. And I was ok with it. I wasn't happy there, but I had my friends and of course I met some boys but none of them made me feel the way he did.


Then couple of days before I came back home I heard that he has found someone else. How did it make me feel like. BAD! I didn't even think that I could feel so bad. Anyways. He's happy with her and I don't want to make them break up or anything.


But I think I'm not over him. He doesn't want to have anything to do with me, which I understand because he wants to be with his new girl. But I did a major mistake. I told him how I felt. How I think I still love him and that I want him to be happy. He keeps telling me he's happy with her and that I'm nothing to him anymore. He doesn't let me see our dog. Because he feels bad when he sees me. Right. I'm air to him?


After that I've seen him in the village a couple of times. We say hello politely but that's it. He keeps on popping into the bar when I'm there, he keeps on visiting my friends, everything. I don't know if I should just wait. I don't know what I should do. I still want him back, but I don't want to hurt him the way I did before. And if he's happy with his new girl, then he should be that and I shouldn't even have these thoughts. It's so hard not to love him anymore.


Hmm. Any advice? Other than forget him. Believe me. Trying to do it all the time.

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hmmm, wish you could talk some sense into my girlfriend.

She is going the same way, although she doesn't want to let

me go. Hindsight is always 20/20. You ***ed up, NEVER do that

again! I believe that you prolly don't need me saying that, it seems

that you are already there. Maybe you just hurt him super bad.

You will prolly have to win back every emotion you were given so freely.

Be his friend first though. Talk when it is time. Just be there for him.

Best of luck!

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so, you realized you made a mistake, and it is hard to say, sometimes, when one realizes that, it is too late. he deserves to be happy, so, basically, you can't do a thing.

on the other hand, you don't know if it had worked out. while you were gone you only remembered the good times, but what about him (deep in his heart) wanting a totally different relationship that you want? i don't think it could have worked with the two of you.


best wishes

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