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what is this white stuff? :( please reply!!

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I have been going out with my boyfriend for about 10 months and i am still a virgin but i perform oral sex on him and he fingers me...this happeneds pretty often and we have been doing this for a while. while he fingers me i begin to get an incredible sensation and i tell when when to stop because i think i have cummed but nothing actually comes out...im just really wet. anyways just the other day he was fingering me and it felt slightly different and when i told him to stop he noticed this time his hand was covered in a great amount of what looked like white kinda creamy jelly like substance (cum) but it was from me...is that normal? this has never happened before and him and i were both confused. did i orgasim for the first time? I'm really confused about all of this..how do i know when i have cummed? im so lost :S

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You KNOW when you orgasm. Normally, women experience a clitoral orgasm... For lack of better way of explaining, it feels "tingly" on the little nub in front of your hole.. like a sleepy foot almost, waking up (blood rushing.. same sensation). Your body will most likely get reallly hot (possibly sweaty) for a split second and you'll experience contractions inside the hole. (The whole point is that when you're having sex, it helps the semen get up there to impregnate you.)


It's normal.. the white stuff -- it's just vaginal secretions used for lubrication. If he's not rubbing your clit though, you probably won't orgasm (I doubt he's hitting your G if his fingering you.)

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Eh, well for me, I orgasm and ONLY get wet...I've never came to where its noticeable really. For you, it was probably just one of those times where you were "more" wet and discharge etc. Most girls only get wet when they cum I've heard...We'll wait and see for some more responses.


Overall though, as for the orgasm, you probably did each time, that can vary.

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see, for the longest time, i thought i was orgasming when I got really wet.. until I experienced this...


sex/fingering/the like gives a lot of amazing sensations... but nothing like what I experienced when I first really orgasmed. It could be different for everyone though.

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