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can you be in love but just need time to sort out your life?????

my boyfriend was madly in love with me very quickly and before i fell in love with him i was offered a job abroad so i took it seems it was only for 3 mnths, but after awhile i was scared i would become to attached to him so i broke it off, but we always remained best friends.

anyways during the time leading up to me moving overseas i really began to love this guy like i became fully in love, he had been beggin me the previous 4 mnths to let him wait for me while i was overseas but i was too scared to get too attached to him and then have to leave him so i told him not to wait and move on.

anyways beofre i left i couldnt leave without him knowin how i felt, i asked him to wait for me and told him i was in love wiht him and couldnt risk loosing him but he said the past few mnths had been hard on him tryin to just be my friend and that i had hurt him but he would think about it.

anyways he started emailing me and said he was still in love with me and wanted to wait, but then now hes decided he cant wait for me, he told me on the phone that he has begun to feel less for me and that he htinks its because im not there, but he has told me he doesnt have feelings for me before when i broke up with him because i was going overseas only to later find out by him that he still really did have feelings for me. when he told me he has begun to feel less it was really me who put the words in his mouth cos he was finding it too hard to give me a reason so i was asking a zillion different questions on why he coudlnt wait for me. i said are u in love with me still and he said i dunno i just feel less, i love you but dunno if in love with you still.

anyways i took it ok and we left it on a good note co si wanna support him and still be his friend, he said he was really sorry he couldnt give a straight answer, but he also kept sayin he just wishd i hadnt left.

anyways over the weekend i really didnt expect it but he sent me a email saying this........." i need to explain myself, i do love you i really do...but i dont know why i just need to be by myself right now"!

he lost his job ahile back and hasnt been working cos where we live is very isolated and he just found out he missed out on gettin into university this semester and he so had his hopes up for so long about that and so hes maybe moving up north 4 hrs form home to try and sort out his head and life and just needs to be by himself.


but my question is can you be in love with someone and start to feel less because their not around?

can you maybe start to feel less for them if its what you wnat to do cos you need to sort out your life first and its easier if you arent still in love with this person so you try to get over them?

can you be in love but still need to be on your own and sort your life out first?

and the main question....what did he mean when he said " i needs to explain myself ( i as in him ) , i do love you i really do.

did he mean he is still in love with me or is he sayin he just love sme but not in love?????????

plsssssssssss help thanks

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thankyou so much for answering......

but we DID have a relationship but only for 2 mnth when i decided to break up with him as i was going overseas then we stayed friends for 2 mnths BUT HE WAS STILL IN LOVE WITH ME and then i left for overseas where i am now.....do you still think he is still in love with me? is that what he meant in his email? and do you think we should just leave it and get back together when i come home, was that what yuo meant inyour post?

what did he ean in his email??? hmm i wonder!

so in your post you said people become less atttached to that person when he or she isnt around, but is that true do you think if you have had a relationship and are or in love or atleast still really love them?

also did you have a problem you wanted to share cos i will be more then happ to reply to you in return for your help to me. thankyou charlie

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hello charlie,


frankly, i don't know if you will be together again when you come back. i am sure he has some feelings for you, but than again, 2 months is not very long to be together. so, when will you be back?

as for now, you could just tell him that you are still in love with him and you would really like to start seeing each other once you're back.

maybe he just misses you so much that he wants to put pressure on you to get you back sooner. maybe he has realized that he doesn't miss you as much as he thought he would. maybe you should just ask him.

hope that helped.

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