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How do you know when your first love loves you back ? I used to go out with a guy since grade 1 till grade 6 in elementary .. but he broke up with me at the end of grade 6 because we werent going to the same highschools and we would never see eachother [i know what a lame excuse] Well.. i've never stopped loving him even though i say i like other guys i really dont. I was just confused and i've been thinking of him for so long now but im trying to forget him because i dont want to get hurt. but anyways i was at a dance last night and i was sitting alone at my table and he came and sat next to me out of nowhere ! and he was like "hey and yeah .. and i see him staring at school and like whenever I see him. Oh and his friends was like "so do u you still him?" and i was like "no no no !!!i used to but not anymore.." and his friend was like "didnt you guys go out for a very long time?" i was like "yeah .. but .. it was an on and off relationship" and his friend was like "oh.. but still u guys were together for a very long time" and it was so awkward .. and ALOT of his friends ask me if i still like him and they ask me questions like "so u used to go out with him?" and yup. it's really weird i dont know what it means.. i miss him so much and i think about him everyday do you guys thinks he still might have feelings for me ? oh and p.s throughout 2 years ive gone out with like .. 2 guys and ive had crushes on other guys and theyve had crushes on me.. [but ive always LOVED him] and hes had NO girlfriend .. like for 2 years ! Now hes might of had some crushes but crushes are nothing really. do you guys think he might still have feelings for me ?

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My guess..If he really still likes you that much, he would pursue you like he did in the past. If he's not, then it's probably your imagination that he's still in love. Could be that his friends were trying to get to know you, instead. They probably admire you from a distance, but you don't notice.


One important thing to remember, if you have to ask, then it's not a good sign. If a guy really likes you that much, he will make the effort to show you. Even if he's the "shy" type, he will. He'll go as far as wanting to be friends with you. That's what I know from experience. With very guy that I sat around and questioned a lot about, it didn't always turn out the way I had always hoped for, because it seems like I hoped more than they did.

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how old are you two now? i think that elementary "relationships" are..i dont know, kind of trivial. people change so much, and im assuming youre in your teens, and youll continue to keep growing for many years to come, as is he. i understand its your first love, but he is changing, as are you. i think you two just changed and grew apart from each other. theres so many guys out there

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i know waht you mean. i think you should tell him how you feel! then youll know. if he likes you back then thats awsome and maybe you guys can go out. if he doesnt, then at least youll always know and you wont have regrets. sitting back and not doing anything will only make it worse. let him know how you feel.

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