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Just wondering what I should do about my current situation. During the last month, I met this really great guy. We had originally met on the internet and talked for 2 months while I was away from school. After meeting up, I realized how much I really liked him.

After hanging out a few times, we kissed. But after a little while of kissing, he said he thought we should slow things done because I am going away for 6 months and we will be separated by 18 hours. We only have a month until I leave for the 6 month placement. He had told me in the past that he was hurt badly by a long distance relationship and he wasn't sure he could handle the chance of getting hurt again. I was so frustrated and upset cause I thought he was this incredible guy. He told me he thought we should just be friends for now. The weird part is I thought it was just a line but since then (2 weeks ago) we have hung out a few times and he has called me a few times as well. I asked him if was just the long distance thing or if it was something else. He told me the main thing was the long distance thing but also he felt like I had put a lot of pressure on him to move quickly into a relationship. I told him I didn't mean to rush him and it was probably because I knew we had so little time together that I felt like something had to happen soon to know if we were actually going to be more than friends before I left. He said that was exactly why we had to not rush things.


I feel so scared that I may have ruined what we potentially could have had. What do you think I should do now? I am okay with being friends with him and just seeing what happens but it's tough. Also, how can I show him that he can trust me and I won't hurt him like his last gfs? Any advice would be appreciated...thanks

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you can show him that you wont hurt him by giving him space. he said you "pressured him" right? well then do the opposite. give him space. if you can handle being frineds with him, then by all means do so. but you might not be ready. if it hurts to hang out with him (because his feelings arent reciprocated) i wouldnt suggest hanging out with him. and i dotn nkow much about LDR relationships, but 18 hours away sounds really hard to maintain a relationship with.

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thanks for the advice so far....what makes really question everything is...I feel as though he must like me to some extent or he wouldn't still want to hang out...earlier this week, I called him and he didn't answer....I didn't leave a message or anything but he called back within a minute because he has call display...he said he was just in another room and called to see what was up...I think if he didn't like me at all, he wouldn't be so on top of calling me back...do you think that he may still like me and just need things to go slow?

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