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Why email me this...

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As some of you might know, my ex txt msg this past week. She followed up with another email on Tuesday and today.


Here's briefly what she wrote:


" blah blah

I hope your well. I think of you often and hope you’re happy wherever you are in your current life.


Take care,




PS- I went to eden last night..first time in ages! I got some good food and bubble tea"



Eden is a place where we used to go all the time.



I ignored it and today she emails me again with this:



" You probably think I’m crazy, but I just happened to read your xanga…it’s so strange b/c those exact feelings have been going through me lately. I feel, you in particular, will always be a part of me. I always miss knowing you on a day to day basis, and I’m sad to not know you anymore, or know your life. Its like a constant sadness too.. I remember you through songs, and places, and just good memories in general…

Anyways, im not saying your email was about me …. But I just feel the same.


I think you blocked me from your xanga now..haha. oh well.. thanks for the read while I had it.



Hope all is well.






She checks my blog everyday. I know because I have a tracker. I haven't blogged anything for about a month and she's been checking it everyday.


I usually keep it private but today a friend asked me to make my post public.


Anyways, I feel like I can't move past this cuz of these emails and txt msg. I asked for NC over a month ago.

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maybe its time to say something again.. how you need to move on..

also i dont think its a good idea to have a blog but thats just my opion.. expecially if she reads and checks it everyday cuz she wants to kno whats going on in your life and maybe if she doesnt have the outlit to the blog and doesnt know whats going on in your life she can move on and forget about you..

just a suggestion..

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Hahahah... the tracker is just a javascript code that saves the last page you leave. You just cut & paste the code into your site. Other people don't need to have the tracker to work.


Anyways, my friends think I should be able to blog anything I want... She should just respect my time and space.


I'll think about reminding her about the NC.



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OK, what she is doing is pinging you dude. She's essentially poking you in the stomach to see what kind of response she gets...


She's doing this for one of the following reasons:


1) She is having trouble with the sudden detachment and just wants to talk to you because she misses talking to you because she is having trouble dealing with this whole thing...


2) She is feeling guilty about her part in the break up and wants to be assured that the situation is OK...


3) She wants to stay in your life because she wants to watch over you and make sure you aren't happy without her using the guise of "friendship" to do so...


4) She wants to stay in your life and use you as a back-up plan in case her feelings do change and you will be right there waiting for her at her beck and call...


5) She is having thoughts about getting back together and before she puts herself on the line, she wants to feel you out to see where you're at and hopefully you will act first and ask to get back together thus putting yourself in the submissive position of asking for the other person back instead of her...


6) She has "moved on" from the relationship, thinks you're a good guy, enjoyed hanging out with you, and genuinely wants to be friends or acquaintences with you...


7) She is so confused or insane that she doesn't know what she's doing or what she wants...


So yeah, stop the games and just ask her straight-up what she wants...

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Yeah, you're right Brando about the honesty part. While she's doing this for one of those reasons I layed out, she may never tell you...or lead you astray to protect herself or because she is confused and doesn't know...and that confusion thing seems to be common among people...

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