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I am in my mid 20's, female and still a virgin.


I know that is very reat these days, which is quiet sad. I feel so innadeqate, frustrated and unfufilled.


I have never been in real relationship or in love. But everyone else has, and they have had sex.


I am alwasy the girl who dates, but not for long, only for a couple of dates or weeks. Then when I don't open my legs they don't want to know me, and NEVER regret letting me go. I want the first guy to stick around a bit, if not ever.


I know that I am missing out big time, but what can I say, I have bad luck, maybe I wasn't meant to be with someone.


I am an attractive girl, sweet, down to earth, cute and innocent, too innocent for my age, something men don't appreciate these days.


I am so fed up, I was thinking of calling up one of those guys who rejected me and offering them my gift to get it over and done with, but I am worried I will feel used and catch a STD.


There is so much pressure, especially from the media, magazines, tv etc. That is all everyone cares about, what ever happened to love and respect.


Will a guy find me a turn off? What will he think of me, will he think I am frigid, because I am not. Will he guide me, or expect me to know how to do everything in one minute.


I am ashamed, NOT PROUD, and want to die.


Because I haven't been with a guy to the full extent, I don't feel sexy, attractive or wanted. I feel like a little lost school girl.


I long to give my heart and virginity to someone, but it seems there is no one out there.


Why do nice girls come last? I thought we had the qualities guys want in a realtionship. Obviously, I am very gullable and stupid to believe that.

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okay take a moment and just look around you for a bit pleaze.... it may just be the people that you hang with but there are alot of people your age that are still virgins. my aunt was a virg till she was 53, just fanisize about that for a moment.. you will meet the one, just try something new and everyone is ment to be with someone, everyone is.. just be more confident and you will glow and atract! trust me!



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Then when I don't open my legs they don't want to know me, and NEVER regret letting me go.

Hi. I didn't read any more then this, and I don't have time to do so.. Sorry.

But from reading this, I just have to say .. Guys doing this, is not worth spending any time with. You should just look at it in a positive way. If they don't want to know you, or be with you, because you're not letting them in your pants; they're a bunch of no-good assholes.. And believe me, it is good finding that out before you go and do something you could regret for the rest of your life ..

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Your virginity is a gift to the man you will one day marry. Don't "get it done and over with" because you fell unwanted. If a man does not want you simply because you, as you put it, won't "open your legs" he is not worth your time.


To stoop to that level is to denegrate yourself. You are a woman of worth. God did not create junk when he made you. Believe this. You keep that "innocent" quality because once you lose your virginity, you can never, never, get it back.


Hey, I'm 40 and still a virgin. Why? Because God said that sex is for marriage only and I'd rather honor the one before whom I'll stand to give an account one day than to go with the crowd and be "cool."



Look at what you get by being happy as you are:


You get to keep your virginity...

You keep your self esteem ( believe me, lose your virginity and you lose your self esteem with it)

You get to stay free and clear of STDs (Now that's reason enough!)

You can look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning.


Katerina, you are a person of worth, even if nobody else tells you this. Believe this.


Trust the Good Lord to bring the right guy into your life--a guy that will respect you and not be interested in fulfilling the desires of his loins.


If a man cannot respect you for being a virgin, he won't respect you the morning after, either.

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I'm 19 and a virgin as well. I plan on staying this way until I'm married. If I had sex with a guy that I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life with, I'd feel fairly disgusted with myself. It's my belief that sex is a very sacred act, and should only be shared with the one you love dearly. As a matter of fact, I find it very admirable of you to stick up for what you believe in. By not letting these guys push you around, you're showing that you have a great sense of self- worth. You may not feel that way, but trust me, you do. Give it a little time, don't worry about it, and you'll find a guy that'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

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Hey, I'm only 21 and never had sex. I think the same way sometimes. But you've got to understand that some people will never get it, age has only part to do with it. So many people just go about everything backwards. But not everyone, you are an great example of that. I actually commend you on your self respect.


You see, I wasn't all that popular in high school. Not exactly a ladies man. But now I've got the maturity to appreciate the fact that I've yet to give myself to someone. My ex wanted me to joke around about sex, like her friends did. She was probably a virgin merely for other reasons. That being religious reasons, not totally her own. So you've got something there please don't toss that away.


There are plenty of good looking guys that aren't "players". You can't always tell by first impressions alone, but eventually you will know. Take it slow, a real keeper will be doing the same thing.

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I know exactly how you feel because I went through the same thing. I'm a 27 year old guy that never had a relationship and still a virgin, which I plan on saving myself for the right girl in marriage. You seem like such a sweet girl who is making a wise decision in waiting for the right man to come along and I really admire you for it. Just relax and let life take it's course because good things come to those who wait ... remember that. Finally, don't ever change or give up to pressure. Always be true to yourself and do what makes "you" happy. Keep your head up.


Yours truly,


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i advice u not to give out ur virgin to other until u have a very very stable 1.. i am a guy in my 20's tat fren say i look handsome... but i did not have a relationship or having sex in my life time... i have the person i like too. but i having those bad luck thing too. i always cant get the gal.. even until now, i still in the progress.


i think if u still a virgin until u married... ur hubby will be more than happy. when u r in a relationship, sex is not nesseray.. i think i can be better than those guy out there.. i don drink, don smoke.. i care abt ppl... but the same thing happen to mi.. BUT! wat can i do..


don be sad... the most important thing is.. not to give ur virgin away.... it mean alot to u...


gd luck....

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I completely agree with "garymax"...





The same way, you think EVERYONE is thinking about you right now...


Have you heard of Charles Stanley? (He's a pastor/TV Evangelist)...He said, "I don't know what the formula for success is, but I know the formula for failure; TRYING TO PLEASE EVERYBODY."


If you're going to do something (having sex...for the sake of it) with the intention of PLEASING EVERYONE YOU KNOW, you'll FAIL BIG TIME...that's for sure. Why? because EACH one of us has different POINT OF VIEW of RIGHT from WRONG.


If you need the strength to get you through this (And your friends are not around to help you), there's always JESUS. Trust me, my friends were not there when I needed them, BUT JESUS never left me. He carried my burden for me. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS HAVE FAITH, PRAY AND BELIEVE that JESUS WILL GIVE YOU STRENGTH, AND HE WILL GIVE IT TO YOU.

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