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reached my goals, and still not happy...

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I finally made it through high school, i'm going to be a Senior this fall, i've worked really hard all through frosh, soph, and junior years and recived great grades... I know i've accomplished so much and yet i'm not happy.


I literally can't feel my accomplishments, i don't feel amazing or proud of them. It's like "oh yeah i won asb vice pres" i can say it but i don't feel like it. i feel like all i do is work and yes i reach my goal but it's almost like my goal doesn't mean anything. Why can't i feel good about my accomplishments, why aren't i proud. I look at the people who get good grades or are in a ton of aps and really their transcript looks just like mine but i look at them like WOW, they're so smart and talented and yet i don't feel the same. Why is this?? And what can i do to change it?

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well part of it sounds like your just extremely modest which is a great thing. i just finished high school and really i had done a lot, nothing great like you but stil better than some... your senior year those things will start to hit you like you wouldn't believe. colleges will think that your amazing and you will start to get scouted out by some of them just so that you think about going to their school. really just stick in there and don't slack off too much. it does get hard your senior year. i suggest just not worrying that you aren't excited about your accomplishments, you will feel them eventually. but just go out and have some fun this summer, do what you need to do to be happy about things.

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Have you been spending enough time with your friends throughout the high school years? These experiences are the most important and memerable because you will carry them with you throughout your life. Reaching your good and working hard is good, I did the same in high school, but its also important to just get time away from the textbooks and have a good time while your still young.

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It makes sense not to feel like you've accomplished much because high school is not over for you yet, you haven't been accepted to any colleges and you still have a lot to do (more than likely) before you can accomplish your goals. I feel in a similar way as I am going to be a senior in college and I feel like I have so much more to accomplish. I can't say I feel very proud of graduating, but then not everyone graduates from college so I guess it's an accomplishment. Once I graduate graduate school I'll feel like I've accomplished something. My advice is to hang in there and do your best in school.

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Yeah, at the beginning of this year i did realize that i hadn't been developing my social life much. Yes i have great friends but a lot of my activities have to do with school. So i went out for cheerleading at a guys school as a lot of my other friends really had fun doing it. At first i was like "me, cheer, um, excuse me i don't do that" but after a while i realized i was afraid of what people would think about me doing something "out of my norm" it wasn't that i wouldn't like to do the activity. So i went out for it, made the squad and you're right i do feel good when i'm around the rest of the girls.


I don't know, i guess thinking about it, i've thought for so long that school is really where you accomplish things which help you feel great. But by really analyzing things i notice the times i'm the happiest are when i'm with people actually DOING things i love, not just getting the good grades or being recommended from another class.


I think i've been looking for fullfillment in thoes things and though it does make some people happy i guess it's just not what makes me happy. I just hope i will find some pride in the accomplishments i've made at school one day, even if it takes time like some of you have said it might.

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