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So it's 3 months after the breakup, 2 months of NC, and I still think about her very much...

Yesterday, I went out alone to a bar, and sat there drinking and thinking about my ex. Next to me there were 2 girls sitting and chatting, and as I was sitting alone, they started to talk to me... We chatted for a while, I found one to be attractive, and at the end we kissed with this girl... It felt good to kiss and hug a woman after 3 months, but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about my ex!!!

This new girl told me to call her and meet for coffee or something, but today I feel like it was a wrong move on my part...

I feel like it won't be fair to her, because right now I am at the start of my recovery, after being an emocional mess all this time since the breakup, and do not want to use her, since I don't feel ready to get back to any kind of relationship with a girl...

I mean, i just kissed this girl and whenever I kissed her yesterday, I would think I kissed my ex!!! This has never happened to me before... It kinda panicked me...

Should I tell her what's going on with me? Should I go out with her and see what happens?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated...

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Thoughts of the ex will still linger no doubt. It's normal. Consider this a chance for you to speed up your recovery. Go out with her, see what happens. be yourself and don't carry the baggage of the ex with you, it will destroy any chances of you enjoying yourself.


Your window of opportunity has arrived in the sense of recovery and for a speedy one.


Stay strong!

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