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You know I have been on this site for a few hours tonight hopefully helping people as I am studying and I have been ok I think...but just suddenly when I was checking my emails I noticed some old ones from him from a time when we were happy. I didn't look at them but deleted them which was so very hard for me to do.


And now I keep thinking of what he is doing, will he be in bed now reading, will he be alone or with someone..and I miss him. He had some awful qualities and I know I will meet some better but I miss him, he was a good friend too and when we split up that was a one of the hardest things for me to deal with was the loss of his friendship.


I want to be held in someones arms right now who loves me and I can't have that...I know I am not ready for a relationship and I want to be me for a bit but it doesn't stop this awful feeling of sadness that just crept up behind me and slapped me in the face...

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Here I am for you, Friend! I hope to help at least a little bit. I think it's natural for you to feely very crappy right now and lonely. You spend so much time helping others , but then tehre are moments you are left with your own issues. You are doing VERY well ans I say going to bed and starting fresh tomorrow is a great idea! If indeed there were many awful things about him, then remember those things and rest tonight knowing you are moving in the right direction and that wonderful man will emerge and bring you from the darkness you seem to be lost in.


You will PREVAIL!

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