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I've been best friends with this girl for several years now. This year she's come out that she's bi and I'm secretly bi as well.

There was a rumour going around school that we were dating but we both denied it (because she thought I was straight)

I've fancied her for so long but I didn't want to say anything in case it ruined our friendship, and this last week when we were both drunk I told her I was bi and I kissed her.

I admitted that I wanted to kiss her before and she said the same to me but the next morning we both didn't say anything. I don't know if she regrets it or not.


What should I do?

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ask her how she feels. if she does regret kissing you, then don't pressure her into anything. if she doesn't, then maybe ask her where you want to take things, if anywhere.


my advice, however, would be not to jeopardise a good friendship over what could turn out to be a crush. if you're sure about how you feel for each other, then go for it, but i would say don't just experiment for the sake of 'seeing what it would be like'


all the best

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She's your friend, first and foremost!


Don't add the pressure...you know who she is, you know how she's like. Just talk to her about it normally. Ask her about the night and say something like: "That was pretty crazy eh? What was going through your mind/what did you think about it?"

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how would you normally talk about things with her?


my boyfriend gave me some advice about how to talk to people about things, and what he says was to take any opportunity that comes up, take a deep breath and go for it. say what you have to say. i can't tell you what to say exactly, because i don't know the relatonship you have. imagine telling her what you want to say, and then say that to her.


it might make things a bit awkward for a while, especially while you try to sort your feelings out for each other, but if your friendship is strong, you will be fine!

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Thanks for replying.

I think I will talk to her next time I see her in person. But what do I say?

"Hi, I like you a lot. Do you feel the same?"



Just talk to her about the kiss. Ask her if she remembers, if she's okay with the fact that you kissed her, ask if she really meant it when she said she wanted to kiss you too, and then ask her what she thinks you two should do about your feelings for each other (If they're mutual).

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You are both potentially scared... mostly about what the other person is thinking/feeling. Ask her what she thought of it...


Was it just a drunken kiss?

Did she like it?

Does she remember it?

Would she do it again?


If she seems into you, and you can tell by how she reacts to the conversation and how she looks at you, then you should ask her what she wants from you. If she wants to just be friends or perhaps a bit more.

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i really think that if u like her u need to tell her coz the moment might pass u by and then u will never know, u should just go for it. if she kissed u back then there must have be something there, she might feel just as scared as u do so one of u has got to talk to the other one, hope everything goes ok

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(link removed.I.say)


link removed.all.started....

Just. come.out.and.ask.did.you.feel.anything.that.night.I.


link removed.I.didnt.just.act.kool.and.all....

But.if.she.says.yes.just.smile.and.(link removed.



link removed.kind.of.helped

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Wow, thank you for all the comments. They mean so much to me.

My friend I and have kinda come to a non-verbal conclusion. It hasn't actually come up in conversation. (I've been too afraid to actually mention it to her). But she knows that I'm bi now, and we hold hands and joke about doing kissing for pocky.

I'm comfortable with it.

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