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Im 17 and within the last monthe or so i have noticed my hair has started to thin out a bit.. i have always had very thick hair so i still have very thick coverage.. but it is noticeable to me.. and even my hairdresser said she noticed it had thinned out.. my dad is bald and i wouldnt mind losing my hair when im old but im not even 18 i want my hair.. what can i do ?

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You poor guy! I'm in the process of going bald far too young myself. If you're worried about the thinning, keep your hair quite short, like a number two all over. You'd think this would accentuate the hair loss,but in actual fact it often helps hide it. If you're really self conscious about it, ask your hairdresser about spray on scalp dye. I've not used it (I'm pretty thin on top, and I think it would be pretty obvious if I started spraypainting my scalp!), but my hairdresser recommended it to me. In the end though, it is only hair. You might look pretty cool with a skinhead. Why not shave it all off and see if you like it?

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Hi Rainbow,


It's also possible to lose hair through stress: my hair seriously thinned out because of that a couple of years ago, and then just stopped falling out and grew back after half a year or so. Do you have exams coming up or anything else that is causing you stress? There are also certain skin conditions which can cause it, and which go away again after a while by themselves or with medication.


If it is indeed 'real' baldness, this Wikipedia article lists some of the treatments available and their effectiveness:

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You could also talk to your doctor about this, I'm sure he could give you some information and advice.


By the way, there are a lot of damn sexy bald men out there, so don't let it worry you too much!!!

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this happened to me also. I had hair that was like way over 6 inches long already but it was thinning, yet only me, my brothers and my parents noticed. None of of my barbers did... Anyway, yeah, I started cutting it wayshorter than that and I used some scalp treatment conditioners (don't remember the name...) and it really helped. I would see only a couple of hairs left behind after I took a shower. I ran out of them conditioners but things kept going pretty good until I got another haircut (which was even shorter... about an inch and half on top and the rest I got like number 3 machine) and now I see hair falling off everywhere again. My hair's grown so I'm thinking of getting a number 2 all over as someone suggested and getting the scalp treatment conditioners again (they sell them at SuperCuts) and see how it goes. If not, oh well... My father says this happened to him when he was around my age, but it eventually stopped and today I see he has a full head of hair, so... Oh yeah, the more you stress out about it, the more it'll happen. So don't worry about it. Best wishes.

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My late boyfriend starting balding when he was 16, by time I met him when he was 19, he had dramatically thinning hair and a receding hairline. But you know what, he was damn sexy!


Another friend of mine from school used to have LONG blond hair, but when he was 17 he went to being bald within the year, and just ended up shaving it off near the end. He was still the major crush of many girls at my school though!


Anyway, there are treatments you can start doing now (like Rogaine & Propecia) but you need to discuss them with your doctor, as there are some possible serious side affects and they are also pretty expensive. They may also want to rule out other possible causes like alpopecia.

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Anyway, there are treatments you can start doing now (like Rogaine & Propecia) but you need to discuss them with your doctor, as there are some possible serious side affects and they are also pretty expensive. They may also want to rule out other possible causes like alpopecia.


You really are a wealth of knowledge you are RayKay

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OH yeah, I forgot to tell you that I used to massage my scalp at least once a day with the conditioner on for at least 3 minutes every day. I would try to get my head as close to the ground so I could get as much blood flowing up there as I could, and I think that helped a lot... I stopped doing that, so yeah that may be a nother reason why I started to see hair fall off everywhere again. So yeah try the massage thing. Good luck.

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No combovers.


No "treatments." (its not a disease for christ sake).


No wigs or transplants.


The more you feed the insecurity the more it grows.


As someone said shave it or buzz it and be done with it.



Just remember, girls are too busy worrying about their insecurities to notice your bald.


It might take some time for you to get over this but alas...such is the programming of us all...

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