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pissing off an ex bf--how?

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are there any ways to get an ex bf pissed? Say for instance a pothead...Who takes ur presense in his life for granted...and may possibly think that you will always be there for him and never really stop loving him...Someone who turns u on and off- just very hot and cold...

That type of guy.. Is there anything that would get him rowled up, and frustrated/angry...maybe even regretful.? And i always would like to make him feel extremely stupid if possibly... Any suggestions? pLease.

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I really should take my own advice here...lol. My solution to your problem is : INDIFFERENCE!!!! Do not call that man!!! Whatever you do...do not call. Let him think you've moved on and have no use for his dope ass! I mean really...men love to be in control, I believe, and for you to move on without rubbing it in his face and him finding out through other people you've moved on, will have a serious effect on him. Try it!

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Of course it does hun, and it will do for a little while yet. My worst day was Monday and tuesday but today is quite good...not great...but I've not cried or felt angry...


By making him jealous/angry/mad..you are disrepecting yourself and to be honest by ignoring him that could work in your favour because it's almost as if you are saying "whatever, you think I'm gonna stay in crying over you?..oh pleeeeeeeaaaaase, sugar you ain't worth in"..(grins my best USA accent!!!).


When ever you feel angry, don't sit there get out of the house and go play postman's knock on a friends door...but don't contact him, if you do what will he think? probably "hey, she must be really cut up over me to contact me..." or even worse..."now she has turned into a bunny boiler and is desperate"...neither look nice, and I think that you are super strong and can go out there and meet someone else who is waaaay better...

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How can you say that your missing him, if you want to piss him off, you cant go back after doing somthing. That would just be stupid. If your going to get him jealuse then get back with him. then its ok. but from what i read, you want to leave him. my advise dont go back. you need to find someone that really appreciate you, for who you are.

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