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The Trick I Played On My Ex, Need Advice!

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Hey guys! Well I played a trick on my ex who broke my heart that I think is so funny. Basically everytime I go back home I am alway stressing out over seeing him so much and I think he senses that. The last time I saw my ex was Mother's Day weekend when I went back home. We ended up having sex and again I felt like I was back to square one. So instead of telling my ex I was leaving that Monday to go back to school, he has been under the impression that I've been home all this time! This worked out for me because it proves to him that "JUST BECAUSE I'M HOME," it doesn't mean I have to see him! Anyway this week he has been calling more frequently because he thinks I am going back to school THIS MONDAY (eventhough I've been here for the past three weeks, lol). Anyway, yesterday he calls me and is questioning me about why I dont pick up his calls and who I've been hanging out with and why I'm rushing back to school! Yet he tells me he doesn't care if I tell him who I am now hanging out with! Anyway, I just got a TEXT from him saying "Do you want to see me tonight?" What can be a good excuse as to why I am not seeing him, I want him to KNOW that he isn't the numer one thing in my life anymore!

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These games will get old, and quick.


What do you want from him? If it's him you want, you're going about it the wrong way. If you want to be his sex buddy and nothing more, you're playing everything right.


If you want to send him a message that indicates he's no longer #1, then you should continue to answer his calls when you want to, and don't talk to him if you don't. In other words, you're talking to him at your convenience. Also, just be vague in your responses to him. Tell him that you haven't called him because you've been hanging out with a friend. He doesn't need to know anything else . . .afterall, he's your ex.

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If it feels good and you're living like you don't need him, then the internal peace process will begin. As long as you're not at his beckon call, I think that he will get the message that he is not a top priority in your life. Good luck.

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Hey Cap!


I know this guy has broken your heart and put you through a lot last year so I can understand your need to pull the wool over his eyes BUT you did have sex with him less than a month ago so that in itself sent him mixed messages. So, you doing that perpetuated him to continue sending you text messages.


In order to show him he is no longer number one in your life is to IGNORE his texts and live well. That is it. Do not play games, it makes you no better than him. Be the bigger person, ignore him and carry on. Hang in there chica.

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i understnad that you want "revenge" or whatever it is out of this. but isnt that a bit immature? i think you should let it go. maybe he had good reasons for breaking up with you. let it go, it doesnt look good on your part, and probably youll regret it later on in life.

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