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3rd child on the way need advice

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My husband and I have been married for nearly 3 years and most of the time everything is great. We found out that we are having another baby March 19th. We are both happy about the baby but sometimes I think that he isnt so happy. He will start in on me about me gripping at him all the time and my attitude and he says you have been acting differently and other things to that sort. I really dont think that I have changed all that much I mean I am 7 weeks and I only found out 1 week ago. Do you think that he has hidden meaning behind what he is saying. I have a feeling that he thinks that life is over for him (Party wise) which makes no sense because for 3 years he hasnt partied. Help what can I do to make sure that nothing happens to our marriage. I dont want to lose him but sometimes he gets so weird about this stuff that it drives me nuts.

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The other two responses were right--dont let the communication factor fail because that is why alot of marriages fail. It seems that both of you are happy but children can put alot of strain on a marriage especially with you all just being married for 3 yrs. Just talk to him and let him know what your concerns are and how you feel maybe he will open up and tell you how he feels. If he loves you and wants his marriage he will.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How old is your hubby?


The reason i ask is because from about the age of 25 to 30 men get this feeling that life is over, kids marriage, things like that make them step back and think whoa ... especialy with a new baby on the way.

My x husband is going through this, he dresses all freaky like, he is like a big kid and his decisions in his life is something to be desired.. it was also a main reason why we are divorced, he wanted to party , he wanted to do this or that, and have everything inbetween.

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