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Whats are the chances of being pregnant ?


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My girlfriend and I got a little carried away and didnt use protection.

It was a day after her period and I think it is safe at that time as you can not get pregnant.

Can anyone confirm this or is there always a chance ?


I would be there for my girlfriend whatever happens, it's just I need to know so that if it did happen again, we would know if it is safe to have sex or if we should not at that particular time just after her period.


Many thanks.



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There is always a chance. The percentage varies by person, time of the month, and so on. But you should always use protection. Trying to time intercourse based on when the last period was has an abysmally high rate of pregnancy.

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My girlfriend and I got a little carried away and didnt use protection.

It was a day after her period and I think it is safe at that time as you can not get pregnant.

Can anyone confirm this or is there always a chance ?


I would be there for my girlfriend whatever happens, it's just I need to know so that if it did happen again, we would know if it is safe to have sex or if we should not at that particular time just after her period.


Many thanks.




There is always a chance. Actually right after her period is quite risky contrary to popular belief! Why? Well, women generally ovulate 14 days before their period. If they have a regular cycle, say 28 days, they would ovulate around Day 14 (Day 1 is first day of period). Say her period lasted 7 days. You had sex on day 8 for example. Sperm can live for 3-5 days waiting inside her fallopian tubes hanging out for an egg to arrive when she ovulates say on Day 12-14. Bingo, pregnancy. And, she could of course ovulate earlier too.


Sure, not AS likely as if you had sex the day before ovulation, but still a very good chance, very risky, and not unheard of. Women can even become pregnany by having sex during their period, if ovulation matches up/comes early enough.


So, there is ALWAYS a chance. Even with protection there is, but at least you are lowering the risk. Do not have unprotected sex unless you are trying for a baby, it's just playing with fire.

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