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Default things to say in any situation

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I have been working on default things to say in any situation when approaching people. Not a pickup line or anything like that, just little things so that there is no way I can get caught off my guard and not have anything to say.


For example, If a woman walks into a room wearing shoes with huge heals, I'lll say something like "Why are you wearing such high heals? Are you like three foot without them?" lol (and it helps that 'im short, so she can come back at me as well).


Or if a woman walks in with a big purse, you could say something like "Woa, watch it with that duffel bag. That's a big purse, do you have a bomb in there or something? Or a little kid?" lol


If anyone else has any they would like to share, by all means do so. It just helps with the initial conversation...I'm actually wanting one to say to someone who looks lost, but my mind goes blank. I don't want to be too lame about it. lol

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They don't have to be funny, but yeah that would be great. I find that humor, as long as the person you are talking to has a sense of it, works great just as long as you're confident about it and not dorky. Oh, and it can't be lame either lol

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The cocky + funny can work but it all depends on the situation. Usually, I'll make eye contact and say "hi." "Hi" is the easiest thing to say and it basically indicates that you are aware of her presense. As far as pickup lines go, I avoid them. But starting a conversation does not have to include a pickup line either. You can comment about anything you two have in common. And, the first thing to look for is the location you're at. Good luck.

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Use your surroundings and the people around you to figure out something to say.


When I go to drop-in hockey or some sporting event, I usually resort to trash-talk... In a joking manner, of course. I'll say something like, "Already trying to start something?" with a little nudge in the back or "You can probably go for a lower flex [of his stick] next time." If it does nothing else, atleast they usually smile.


Personally, sporting events are generally the easiest place for me for me to meet people because there are thousands of ways to start a conversation ("Is that a Canadian accent I hear?" "Who are you rooting for?" "Nice stick/skates/gloves" etc.)

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