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family is falling apart. we're all going crazy

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i live with both parents, my brother, his girlfriend, and their 10 month old baby.

we all try and have tried to be so supprtive, but my brother and his girlfriend are just lazy. this house has been cramped with us all even before she was pregnant. he works in fast food and she makes excuses to avoid getting a job (21 and can't drive? she avoids learning!) serisously, her excuses are endless.

i love them all, and i love the baby, but they are driving my parents insane. They all always fight about who needs to do what, and i don't think they will do anything to help themselves anytime soon. It took my brother until after the baby was born to get a job...

we can't really tell them what to do, that's not our place and they won't listen to anyone.


and you can see, this isn't the most functional family. I live here on the weekends and the summer, when i'm not in school. and its so cramped. so many mouths to feed and people to keep up with (you think her parents would help..) i hate for my parents to feel this way. and i'm doing my best to cope, but its driving me crazy!!


i don't know what i'm asking for. maybe i just need to vent, but i want some kind of advice.

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The problem is that so long as your parents are prepared to tolerate this then there is little you can do. And, having been in a similar position, I can understand that the last thing they would want to do as grandparents is to put their grandchild on the street or in worse circumstances than at present.


Maybe you should think about a place of your own?

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Actually, for as long as your brother and his girlfriend are living in your parents' household, I definetly think that it is your parents' place to give them some direction. In fact, I think it's rather necessary based on the nature of what you stated in your post.

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i live in a dorm while in college, but i'm not having any luck finding my own place otherwise.

is there any way i could motivate him?

i think he feels pretty...worthless (for lack of a better word).

he's a highschool drop out with no GED at age 23, and working in fast food. he doesn't seem to care about getting to work on time, just so long as he keeps the job. getting fired will mean nothing, because he is probably the most valuble one they have....


i don't know. i just want to save my family.

they all deserve so much better.

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