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I was just wondering....I had sex with my boyfriend a few times this weekend without any protection. It was right after my period got over ..and I know that 14 days after your period is your most fertile time. Also my boyfriend pulled out every time we had sex. Is there anyway I could have gotten pregnant? What would you think the percentage of me being pregnant are?

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It is possible to get pregnant at any time of your cycle. Every woman has a different ovulatory cycle, ovulation does not always occur 2 weeks after a period, in fact it's usually 14 days before your period- though it is different for every woman.


Precum also contains semen so even if your boyfriend pulls out, there's a chance that some sperm was left behind, and an egg can sit in the uterus for up to 24-36 hours, and sperm can survive up to 72 hours in your body as well.


Aside from pregnancy, by not using a condom you place both yourself and your boyfriend at high risk for contracting an STI, many of which have no outside symptoms (so you might not even know you have one), and yet can still cause reproductive damage and infertility.


So with all these factors, it's not worth taking the risk of unprotected sex.


Do you have access to either purchase condoms or get them from a free health clinic?


If not, it's best to hold off from sex until you can afford to buy condoms or get some for free.

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Neither of us like using condoms, and it won't be a bad thing if I get pregnant. Either way i'll be happy with the outcome.


Do you mind if I ask how old you are?


What about sexually transmitted infections?


How long have you been with your boyfriend?


Are you financially and emotionally ready for a baby?

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We are 19 and actually we are engaged im just used to saying boyfriend. We both are ready in every way to have a baby. I know about sexually transmitted diseases and how they are passed from one person to the other. I really just wanted to know whether or not I could be pregnant..... we've discussed all of the concerns everyones mentiongin over and over again so I'm not worried about that. Simply wondering if you all think it's possible ..

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We are 19 and actually we are engaged im just used to saying boyfriend. We both are ready in every way to have a baby. I know about sexually transmitted diseases and how they are passed from one person to the other. I really just wanted to know whether or not I could be pregnant..... we've discussed all of the concerns everyones mentiongin over and over again so I'm not worried about that. Simply wondering if you all think it's possible ..


I'm glad you feel comfortable enough with your fiance/boyfriend to discuss STIs and the risk of pregnancy, that's very important. I often wonder what those who can't talk to their partners about it are thinking when they have unprotected sex, so I'm glad you two keep the lines of communication open.


Have you both been tested?


At 19, I'm wondering if you two are established in careers that pay enough to afford to live on your own and support a baby, should it happen. I'm sure you know that babies are very expensive, (not to mention what it costs to have the insurance to cover prenatal care, the birth itself, and the medical costs of routine checkups and immunzations for the baby, and when he/she gets sick.) The other thing is that often one partner has to take time off work to a. recover from the birth (that would be you ), and raise the child while the other is working. It can also be very taxing, both physically and emotionally and on the relationship itself, as the whole dynamic changes.


It's not likely you've had enough time to finish your college education yet, are you guys working? Do you live out on your own? Have a nest egg?


In answer to your question (again, ) Yes, it's possible to get pregnant having unprotected sex at any time during your cycle, including when you are having your period.

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Aren't you and your boyfriend in a long distance relationship? Also, not too long ago, didn't you express your disdain about your BF not visiting you, making you drive over 600 miles in a car that was 10 years old, worried he is cheating on you, and so forth? If so, how is having a baby going to help? I believe your relationship needs a lot of work, fine-tuning, and a stronger foundation before thinking about bringing a baby into this world.







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Oh, wow, Magic.


Hmmm.... yes it does seem like your relationship is not at it's strongest point right now. Seeing as you could not even afford to go and visit your bf for his graduation, and you are long distance and still in school, ( and living with your family still?) it would seem that now is not the best time to be taking chances on getting pregnant by having unprotected sex.


Not to mention that there really isn't ever a good time to get an STI, and you haven't mentioned if you've both been tested for the hundreds of prevalent STI's raging out there right now.


Getting pregnant and having a baby puts additional stress on an already stressed relationship (due to age, distance and the conflicts you guys have had over the distance), and it is likely to make things worse, or even split you two up. I'd hate to see you raising a baby on your own at such a young age when you haven't even had a chance to finish college or move out on your own yet.

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