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This guy won't say hi to me or bye to me but he will do it to anyone else. Whenever his friends are around he ignores me and this just recently started he used to say infront of people that we hung out now he won't...he won't say anything I think it's because he thinks people will suspect something. This makes me feel so horrible because when we're alone he treats me so awesome and tells me how great I am. Are some guys just like this in public or is it me? Because he won't say anything to me I feel so stupid for letting it go this far. I am so upset because I feel like I'm an awesome girl and don't understand why people are so embarrassed by saying anything to me in public, when it's only the guys who have feelings towards me that do this everyone else is cool with me. Am I intimidating, or do they just overthink it even though no one would make fun of them for talking to me. The problem is I know that I am too good for this and have other guys but like this individual I feel so wrong for wanting to get away from...I feel like there is another reason why he is doing this and I'm holding on to him. It is so horrible because I feel so bad about making him uspet because whenever I act like I don't like him he gets angry and upset. But he won't say anything and I feel like he is leading me on and it's going no where. I just have this horrible feeling about moving on from him...I've never felt like this before. It is like a guy feeling or a feeling in the back of my head that makes it feel so wrong to move on. I have to get over him though because nothing is happening. What do I do?

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yeah, I forgot to add that I start doing the same to them...I pull myself away from the guys I like or act mean to them because I think I will get rejected...I see myself doing this a lot at everything. I don't put myself in situations that I am gonna get hurt. With this guy when he said hi to me at first I blew him off and occasionally when he does say hi or bye I blow him off...I find myself blowing him off all the time. Then afterwards I'm like why do you do this? I can't act truly to him ever, I need to just forget about it. I dunno, could my behavior to these guys make them do the things they do. Do I predetermine all the outcomes from the very beginning with my actions? Kinda confused here!

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you still cant see wats wrong? i mean u blow them off when they do say hi, and when they dont u think they dont like u?


maybe hes just scared ud blow him off AGAIN! try saying hi first, maybe open a conversation, give him a call and ask about something then keep on talking, show him ur nice.


guys like girls who r nice and sweet, but to an extent! this guy is scared hed be rejected infront of everyone if he says anything to u and u blow him off. try changing the way you treat ppl.

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