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How to go after Starbucks Girl? I.e. flirting at their work

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I never know how to ask a girl out while they're working. I know most of the time it's their job to be friendly, but hwn you see them agian and agian, and you can just feel the attraction spark and they flirt with you then more than likley they're attracted to you. The question is how do you ask them out? I always feel uncomfortable asking girls out at their work, especially under the circumstances of a drive through window which brings me to starbucks girl...


I am addicted to starbacks, no surprise and for the longest time there was this girl at the drive through window, who would give me my cofee and just sort of give me a look. My gut feeling told me she was attracted to me and then the more i went she payed extra attention to me and chatted just a bit, but never too long as there is a huge lineup at the drive through.


Then she disappeared, and one day was working the drive through agian and asked me if i'd been hiding from her (in a fllirty way) me being not the best flirter gave some stupid reply and then said "so i guess i'll see ya around." Then like two months went by and I just saw her, but no chatting, she gave me my drink and we both lingered smiling at eachother wondering if we should say something and then just kind of said "see ya later."


The more i think of it. i'm always * * * * *ing how i can never meet girls, this girl is pretty cute actually I think i should go for her. but how and is it too late do you think?

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I really like the green tea latte frap with whip cream and blackberry sauce hmmmmmm to die for....In general I have always found starbuck's employees to be super super friendly, I think all of that yummy coffee and beautiful hip interiors in those shops spread so much good Karma that everyone is super super happy there.


I have had one guy in the drive-through be super friendly with me and has given me free coffee before, probably a sign of interest, or just mindless, harmless flirting. They are afterall spreading so much joy to the world, I am sure they have to probably be the happiest people on earth!!


The trick is going to be not seeming like a creepy customer, but you could always try to ask her out to a movie or something with a GROUP. You can say me and a few of my friends are going to this movie or show, do you want to join us? That would put less pressure on her and maybe a good way to start a relationship that is not just about everyday kindness.....At least here in Austin people are super friendly everywhere and it is just a way of life.


Good luck!!






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Thanks for the replies guys.


I guess actually saying something instead of just letting silence commence would get me that opening.


It's true, starbucks folk seem to be extreamly friendly in general. But this one had that twinkle in her eye. I'm a pretty dense guy when it comes to girls beeing into me but this one i can just tell.


I really need to work on being more chatty in genral. I'm nowhere neart as shy as i used to be, but still find trouble being jokey or flirty. I'm a good conversationalist but more of a serious kinda guy.

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Do you usually tip her? lol.


How about the next time she's there and you are ordering, asking her if she is doing anything after work?

If she's interested, she'll probably give you an opening. You could exchange numbers or set up a meeting.

I mean, by what you say, she sounds flirty and interested.


This way, if she turns you down, you have an 'out'. No awkwardness the next time you get coffee.


It depends on the person, but working in a restaurant: There was always that thought in my mind "if I go out with this person, and it doesn't work out, he is a regular, and I'll have to deal with him!"

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That is a good point. Another reason why it's hard to pick girls up at their workplace.


Another thing i'm always hesitant about is asking them out when theirr manager or coworkers is around.


If i was working and a girl asked me out (which dosn;t usually hapen for guys anyway) and my manager was around, even i i was really into this girl i'd feel embarresed or unprofessional.

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Yeah, it can make it tricky even if the person likes you.

It sounds like you have a shot.

If you don't try, nothing gained right?


That sounds like a good idea that teddybear has. If you're worried about co-workers/manager: just hit the time when she's handing you the drink.

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Don't ask her out while she's working.

Find out when her shift ends and be hanging around when it does. (not in a creepy way).


Call the store and say you've been thinking about applying for a job but would like to know what kinds of shifts people work or something along those lines. Create a situation where you run into her when she's not in a position to be handing you coffee.

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I wouldn't necessarily go for it. Their job is to basically to be nice to you, to keep you happy and come again.. and if you asked her out, that would really suck for her if she wasn't interested. She can't run, she can't very well say no but she can't say yes either.

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Don't ask her out while she's working.

Find out when her shift ends and be hanging around when it does. (not in a creepy way).


Call the store and say you've been thinking about applying for a job but would like to know what kinds of shifts people work or something along those lines. Create a situation where you run into her when she's not in a position to be handing you coffee.




Ok that's way too stalkerish imo. (I've always been afraid to do stuff like that).


I would say, Hey we're doing such and such, you should come along (have a group of people)...


There you go, if she goes yay, if not you'll drop it. If she brings it up she wants you to ask again (cause she literally couldn't make it)

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Don't ask her out while she's working.

Find out when her shift ends and be hanging around when it does. (not in a creepy way).


Call the store and say you've been thinking about applying for a job but would like to know what kinds of shifts people work or something along those lines. Create a situation where you run into her when she's not in a position to be handing you coffee.


To be honest if a guy was calculating things and scoping me out, calling my manager, lurking about outside my work waiting to ask me out, etc. That would creep me out. I'd feel like he was being waaay to presumptious and also nosey. I'd much prefer a guy quietly ask me real quick if I'd like to see him sometime.

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