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Guys - boobs and etc...

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Hey – guys I'd really like for you to help me out. So I'm around 5'1, and I'm small around my stomach, normal around the butt area, and large for my size/frame in the chest area. However, my thighs are larger than proportionate – that's honestly where I carry all of my excess weight – to my body.


Anyway my boyfriend and I had five minutes until I had to go in, and we were in his car - parked away from my house of course – and we usually make out where he feels me up, but this time his hand went under my skirt. As he started groping me a little, his hand was only down there a minute and a half before he brought his hand up. I really don't think he knew how my thighs weren't like the rest of me, and I wanted your opinion on if you think his hand came back up because of a) my horrible thighs b) he knew I had to leave soon and didn't' want to finish it like that c) it freaked him out when I started getting wet down there or d) any other reason you can think of. I am usually quite confident about myself, my body, my looks etc….but my thighs are where I'm the leats confident in myself. Do you think he's disgusted because of them?


And also, when he feels me up he does quite a good job of it, but for guys is it as pleasurable for them as it is for us? I don't think he's doing it solely for my benefit – I'm a lil larger than a 36C which makes me think he HAS to be enjoying himself. Thanks for your input, 'cause I definitely appreciate it!

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It's likely all new for him too. Perhaps he was forgetting to breathe, and might have been deafened by the pulse thundering in his ears ... What I'm saying is I suspect he was just as excited about this as you were. I remember my first time being that way with a girl and it was something along the lines of "Wow, I can't believe what's happening ... I'd better back off in case it's too much, and if she doesn't say no I'm going to do that again as soon as I can next time we're together ..."


I would suspect he's completely unconcerned about what you think may be your "excess weight" and he's far more thrilled to have touched you in a new place than anything else.

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Princess ~ I'm glad someone else has my issue as well, 'cause most of my friends have those extremely long ballerina legs - I got the chest so whatev...haha and Yep, Ash you're right - the next time we were alone for a while he fingered me - which I was wondering do guys like it when you're shaved down there?


But anyway, I'm a virgin and plan on being one until I'm married (the actual intercourse part anyway: I really don't want this to become a "define a virgin" post) but he's already had sex. We've been going out for 3 1/2 weeks now, and with what we've been doing it doesn't seem fast b/c he'll only go as far as I want to. He's my first boyfriend for me to actually be this intimate with, and after 3 1/2 weeks I really REALLY like him, but there's no way that I could love him - I mean we've been good friends for months but still. (I'm a romantic, but I also have a lot of sense) Although you don't know actually know my boyfriend or me, could we be moving too fast? He's 18 - I'm 18.... just if you wanted to know. I'd really appreciate your input b/c this is something I can only talk to my best friends about, and none of them have had a relationship like this. Thank you!

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Are you comfortable with the speed at which things are moving? That's really what it amounts to, if you're okay with it then all is good. Remember, you have just as much say in how quickly things move along as he does, and he seems to be happy to go at a pace he thinks you're comfortable with. One slight concern, if he's already had sex I would likely think he'll expect to get there with you too, and since you're not going there until you are married this is perhaps something that requires some more thought. I wouldn't like to think you get several months into a relationship you are happy with just to have to break apart because you both have different plans on sex.


Personally, I like shaved women. Having said that, I like them as they come naturally too. You do what you think is right. If you haven't shaved and are thinking about it, there's always the possibility of a trim first and see how you like that.

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