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I wish there was a quick and painless way of killing myself.

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Well if you know when the worlds gonna end give me heads up will ya!


Ok so you like cars as a general interest? Ya/ no?


Yeah I do.


I was thinking maybe I could do something in space and exploration because it sounds safe though.

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You seem content living like that. What are you doing to change?


I'm taking meds and I'm waiting to get a letter for an appointment with a therapist. And also I'm going to see if I can feel any better through the meds. When I see the doctor next I'll ask if I can take what I'm taking at a higher dose.


Like I said, baby steps. People seem to forget that I've got a mental illness.

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Great when is it?


as for car related jobs you could lok for jobs as or at:


- car wash

- car detailing shop

- auto body shop

- mechanics shop

- car salesman

- lot boy for car dealership

- car parts store

- paint shop for cars

- car stereo shop

and many more.


The only ones that appeal to me are the auto body shop, mechanics shop and paint shop, but usually those sort of places are filled with bullies.

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Jesus, Mary and Joseph, give the guy a break! I bet if each of your lives were looked at under a proverbial microscope, ALL of you would have periods in your life like the one he has going on. Probably a lot worse too. No one here has the discipline to stick to every little goal we set, myself included. Maybe he really doesn't know what he wants. Some people don't start their career, or a family, or their plot in life until they're 40. Some people never do! Anyone that can criticise a person's indecisiveness or laziness is just a hypocrite, as long as they're decisions are not hurting anybody else. If somebody doesn't respond to your advice, suck it up and move on. Grilling the guy on something he doesn't want or know yet doesn't do anyone a bit of good. I see a lot of drugstore psychology floating around, and a lot of bitterness because person X is getting their desired response from their "golden advice".

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Are you for real? I can't believe that a 30 year old man would be acting like such a boy.

Don't grow up or you Can't grow up

Don't get a job or you Can't get a job

Don't get a car or you Can't get a car

Don't find a nice gal or you Can't find a nice gal

You seem pretty proficient with the word DONT and CANT.


Yikes Missy E is POed. I am outta here.

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Are you for real? I can't believe that a 30 year old man would be acting like such a boy.

Don't grow up or you Can't grow up

Don't get a job or you Can't get a job

Don't get a car or you Can't get a car

Don't find a nice gal or you Can't find a nice gal

You seem pretty proficient with the word DONT and CANT.


*Yawn* Whatever. Go troll someone else


Oh, and I've marked you.

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Increase you meds? You don't want to be a drooling monkey come on..


You said in a post that you were taking baby steps! WHAT steps have you taken? ( I'm waiting for my meds to kick in) ( I'm waiting for my Doc. to see me)


if we all just waited for something to drop in our lap, THIS world would not function, would it?


You have made 21 posts of desperations and in one month, you have had more advise than any single poster out there has received. Yet, you are still setting at square one! ( Don't say I'm trolling, I've seen you do that before and I am making an observation)


What would happen if your computer crashed today?

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They aren't designed for that, they're designed to be taken over six months to one and a half years.


I've heard they can be taken for the rest of your life.


Well anyway, hopefully I wont need to take them for the rest of my life.

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Jesus, Mary and Joseph, give the guy a break! I bet if each of your lives were looked at under a proverbial microscope, ALL of you would have periods in your life like the one he has going on.


Much untrue. Certainly rough periods but none such as this.


Probably a lot worse too. No one here has the discipline to stick to every little goal we set, myself included.


Include me in that. Sure cant accomplish everything, but trying is what counts.


Maybe he really doesn't know what he wants. Some people don't start their career, or a family, or their plot in life until they're 40. Some people never do!


Which may very well be the case with Ross. However his inability to listen to anything said here (not that he has to do it) and come up with his own solutions indicates a bigger problem.


Anyone that can criticise a person's indecisiveness or laziness is just a hypocrite, as long as they're decisions are not hurting anybody else.


To a point yes. But maybe there are people who may need to rely on him in the future, think mother. And general laziness and indecisiveness is not exactly how Ross wants to be judging from his numerous cries for help. Nor would I suggest that people do not try to carry their own weight. Clear example would be the difference in advice Ross seeks compared to the advice he gives (none). Sure we can all be lazy and indecisive would make for an interesting world then.



If somebody doesn't respond to your advice, suck it up and move on. Grilling the guy on something he doesn't want or know yet doesn't do anyone a bit of good. I see a lot of drugstore psychology floating around, and a lot of bitterness because person X is getting their desired response from their "golden advice".


No such thing as golden advice. And personally I am not too bitter. However its like a broken record and your right I can always stop when it just gets too much. But I kinda like trying my patience.

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I have a job

I have a truck

I have a husband

I don't have meds but would like some

I don't see a therapist and don't want too

when I encounter a bully I run them off screaming

at times I am too grown up.

I don't necessarily like challenges but I face them head on as most do.

I don't hide behide disabilities

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Increase you meds? You don't want to be a drooling monkey come on..


They don't turn you into a drooling monkey.


You said in a post that you were taking baby steps! WHAT steps have you taken? ( I'm waiting for my meds to kick in) ( I'm waiting for my Doc. to see me)


Getting out there more, taking meds, making an appointment with a therapist, seriously considering joing college and/or getting a job (something I never could have done before), planning on asking the doctor to start taking these meds at a higher dose when I next see her. Reading some leaflets from the college on what corses there are when my sister brings them over.



if we all just waited for something to drop in our lap, THIS world would not function, would it?


Why wouldn't it? There's some things you have to wait for.


You have made 21 posts of desperations and in one month, you have had more advise than any single poster out there has received. Yet, you are still setting at square one! ( Don't say I'm trolling, I've seen you do that before and I am making an observation)


No, the advice as actually helped me.



What would happen if your computer crashed today?


Watch TV instead.

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What are you doing to stop that from happening? A therapist doesn't have all the magic answers.


Stop what from happening, taking meds for the rest of my life?


Well obviously what I need to do to stop that from happening is to see a therapist, and hopefully the combination of getting out there more, therapy and meds will change my brains structure, so then I'll still be okay when I stop taking meds.

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I have a job

I have a truck

I have a husband

I don't have meds but would like some

I don't see a therapist and don't want too

when I encounter a bully I run them off screaming

at times I am too grown up.

I don't necessarily like challenges but I face them head on as most do.

I don't hide behide disabilities


Ma'am, I'm not trying to undermine your accomplishments. That's not my point. My point is, if the guy is lazy, if he can't find a job or doesn't know yet, who are you, or anyone, to criticise that? How do you know his condition doesn't require medication? If you show me a Ph.D. on your name then I'll digress. How do you know that he would be content living like he "should be"? Maybe his lifestyle is what he likes. If this man was your brother, and his condition directly affected you, then your opinion might be validated. If his condition hurt somebody else, then it would be validated. But he lives alone and deals with it alone, supports himself in some way, and is seeing a psychologist, what more is there? There were periods in my life where I had NO motivation at all. Just like you, ma'am, I support my family, have a car and a house, and a good blue collar job. I did it all with little college, while serving my country. I probably have a few letters I could add to my name, like OCD (I'm very neat) but I have neither the money nor the desire to see a shrink. What kind of man (or person) would I be if I attacked

him for something I'm (and probably everybody else) are guilty of? There is absolutely nothing wrong with being unmotivated or lazy. If I wanted to live on welfare and watch Everybody Loves Raymond all day, then who has the right to judge me? As I said, if this condition brings somebody else down, then it would be a different story, but how does his life affect you?

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