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My BF's friend is a little obessive...

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A little while ago my boyfriend got a new car that he's trying to trick out. Along the way he met this older guy over the internet who had the same car - only modded so much that it was no longer the same car.


They got to talking about hints and tips about modding and where to buy cheap parts and street racing and such. I thought it was cute that they talked whenever my bf signed on AIM, and even teased them calling the guy my bf's 'boyfriend'. (he and i both laughed about it)


About a week ago my bf lost is home internet capabilities and only signs on when he's at my place (and doesnt stay on for a couple minutes) to check his email and such.


Since the internet loss, his friend sends him literally about 10 - 15 emails a day. Paragraph length even.


They all may be about cars, but isnt that a bit obsessive? I mean I used to email him like that! His friend isnt interested in him like that is he? (Oh yeah, his friend refuses to talk to me.)


hesnotgayhesnotgayhesnotgayright? ](*,)

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