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Broke contact after 5months

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So a little history,

She breaks up with me early January. I find this wonderful web site and since then, I have taken all the great advice that was given to me. During these months, I would get a text or a call from her ever now and then but I never called or texed back until this week. She texed me about seeing our dog which lives with me since I have a large yard and home. I texed her back (good or bad?) and as im texting her back, she calls and my phone automatically answered since I was pushing numbers. Well, she says she misses me and misses having me and still loves me. We briefly catch up on eachother and schedule a date for her to see our dog... Anyway, we met today at her work after she got off and it was nice seeing her. Since the breakup, I have lost 25lbs of fat and gained quite a bit of muscle so I look much better. She took notice to this right away "You look good"... Then some chit chat while she was visiting our dog... And then I left on a good note. She then text me "it was really good to see you. Im very happy that you have done great things for yourself. Maybe we can see eachother again sometime" And thats all. This is my first true love and the girl I shared my first everything with. It was weird seeing her after so long but when I saw her, I felt my heart skip a beat. I still love her. Thoughts on how she feels would be great.

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Im really wondering if your not beating a dead horse here. You see if the problems that caused you to break up in the first place haven't disappeared, then there is no reason to assume why it would work out this time. So if you post the issues you had in the past with her (or maby have a link , OR if they are solved) and in last case i wouldn't see a reason why you two couldn't be together again.


You really don't want to come in a situation that you are slamming your hand backwards into hurtfull spikes again. So make sure to constantly put love and light into other people's lives, and relationships.

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Theres my story,


We'll see how it goes. I mean, this is my first love as im sure you all have stories of your own. This girl I will never forget. Im still going through little episodes of heartache. To be honest, I have bettered myself as a person because of the breakup. I think everyone needs to experience heartbreak atleast once in their life because I believe it truly makes you a stronger person (although the agony is so damn painful). So I will keep everyone updated. Last message I got from her is "Lets set something up for next time. Maybe we can do lunch. You really looked good. Have a good night"......

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