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i was broken up with about a month ago. it was a sad, messy end to an otherwise good and loving relationship. i miss my ex and i think i still love him. it's hard to say because my head and heart are slowly trying to back away from loving him. so i think i do. but...


i hate him! sometimes i can't help but hate him a little for how carelessly he handled my heart, the mean things he said, and for not wanting to stick around to work things out.


as intensely as i miss him and want him back in my life, i also get just as angry. i think about the things he said, how he said them, and how they made me feel and still make me feel, and i feel like punching a wall (if not HIM). so even though i'm hoping we will get back together someday, sometimes i wonder how i could ever get over all the hurt and betrayal that was caused by this person i loved, and who loved me.


a thin line between love and hate...?


anyone feel like this?

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I don't think there is a thin line between the two. But I do think when you are going through a break up like this it is sometimes easier to deal with by "hating" the other person. I think the sub-conscious sometimes kicks in and produces these emotions to help us cope a bit easier.


Hopefully you will find these strong emotions will calm down after a while.

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i know how it feels to resent someone who gave up on a relationship with you. i can totally see how it would make you angry and frustrated, but if you really do love him, it may be important to take an objective look at your past relationship and to be honest with yourself about the problems the two of you had. maybe he was overwhelmed and breaking up was the easiest way for him to deal with them. in order to ever have anything more than a friendship with him, i think it is extremely important that you look at his side of the story and learn to forgive. while i know its hard, it can be done, especially since you love him so much.


best of luck to you.

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OMG I feel he exact same way. I think I still love my ex but everthing tells me to hate her for what she did. Over a week of NC and I'm getting better. There might be a new girl in my life but there are obsticles to get past first. Her friends are behind me so that's a plus. Good luck to you and you're not alone...

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Last night I made an effigy of my ex and christened it 'Jane'. I took Jane for a romantic walk by a river and told her that I loved her - I came home, cuddled up on the couch with Jane and watched some TV.


Just as I was feeling comfortable, I reached into the Jane's chest, ripped out what was there, covered it in petrol and set it alight.


I then sat back down next to Jane and told her that I loved her.


Tonight, I think I'll take her out for dinner....and maybe a movie.


Me bitter? Nope.





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pitterpatter... I think learning to forgive is HUGE! It is amazing what it could do to a relationship. My ex doesn't want to forgive me for things that I have done in the past, and it killed our relationship. No matter how much I changed, the past was held over my head.


How do you help someone forgive? While easier said than done, I am the type of person who forgives. It does me no good to have anger, resentment, hate towards another person. All I can do is remember the good, and learn from the bad. Forgiveness is for you!


Try it, you will feel better!

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