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I've never had a best friend before and all my old good friends have turned against me. Im always the girl who does nothing wrong but gets the blame and watch all the bad people go up in the world!!


So this girl has been my friend for atleast 2- 3 years wer knew eachother before but recently start being best friends...so i told her everything she told me months after about her self..


I tell her everything bout my life and i look after her, when she comes round my house make sure shes well looked after feeding her and like making sure my family nice to her, but instead she doesnt even talk to my family and ignores them (which i told her about and now she polite)

When i go round her house she has no food n hasn't even made a effort and so I..MEEE has to pay for OUR lunch outside!!


When we go out she brings £1 and exspects me to pays for everything. For school i bring in two lots of food for her and she brongs her food in and eats mine as well not even offering me anything!! I buy her birthday presents and im still waiting for mine! i make her a birthday cake and everything with candles and bring it into school all i get is a text at 3 in the morning and a 'YOU'LL get your pressie in the summer'.


I'l lend her my clothes and when i ask her for them she forgets, she then complains saying don't bring it up so many times cause it makes her forget..so when i dont remind her she gets annoyed saying i should of reminded her once!!! its like WHHATT? i can't win.


She takes things from my room and took my mums £17 brand new eye shadow when she gave it back it was all broken!


Her boobs are a size E and she has a habiit of sticking them out, and when i tell her your attracting the wrong attention walk straight she starts joking saying mine are bigger im C and she fought she was a C!! her boobs stick out in a 90degree angle and she jiggys them when she walks...i told her i don't want guys only going for her boobs and not liking her for her and she was like 'i cant take it no more theres a limit in critising' its like err im not critising you!! Ohh and you might say she'll learn when a pervy guy does something well its all happened but she thinks that its normal.


She wears short mini skirts and will argue with everyone when they tell her her skirts too short!


Shes started talking to my boyf and doesn't even tell me that she was speaking to him...well she does after ive asked her or 2 hours later!!

She jus interested in taking pics of herself and puttin ugly pics of me besides her. I confronted her today saying i make the effort with her. if she ever needed anything i'd be there in a flash and give it to her and wouldn't forget and all she did is like make dat 'erh' noise. and then starts getting allllllllllll aggressive saying she forgets and i was like maybe i should forget then and she was like yeah and stormed off!


And now why is it that i look like the moaning old control freak when i feel like a idiot.

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This girl is using you. Don't put up with it anymore. Go around to her house and get your stuff. Stop buying her lunch, and don't give her anymore of your time, money or belongings. Don't invire her around to your house anymore, tell her your busy with revision or anything you like but don't allow her to use you anymore.


I know it's easier said than done and you don't want some sort of confrontation over this but it's easier than living with her day after day feeling used. Be strong and take back what's yours including your friendship.

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