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girls calling guys

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I think the point being made is that most guys like being asked out and also that most guys do not end up in happy long term relationships with women who do most of the pursuing in the beginning.


"do what you want to do" is a nice sentiment but when there are serious goals involved sometimes analysis - and a healthy dose of strategy - is just what the doctor ordered.

Yeah but you barely know the person. What I mean is how could you have long term relationship goals with another person when you haven't even asked them out (or been asked out) by them yet? I really don't think it matters. You have nothing to lose if things don't work out because you never had a realationship to begin with! If you screw it up, who cares?? Theres a million other people to try and get with.....


Analysis would certainly help if the issue were a little more complicated, but we are not even talking about a realationship here. This is two people who met a week ago! If one over-analyzes this much way before the relationship, imagine how much analyzing would occur if the relationship actually happened. It just leads to a lot of unecessary stress. There still is a decent chance the guy may say no as well. This would lead to a lot more stress if you over analyze things. I think a good way to overcome this stress is to avoid analyzing (especially until the actual relationship begins.) Additionally, its a good idea to have your mind set on multiple people rather than just one. This way if someone says no you don't care because you didn't waste all your time and effort on one person. Instead, you just followed your heart and kept your options open as much as possible....

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Ok, well if thats the case....Then its the end of the issue.... game over!


On the other hand, if the guy actually liked her and was too shy to call she would never know....


I think thats a really big problem today though. People just think about things too much and don't take action....

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