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really want to ask this girl out but........how?!!!!

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I saw this girl out 2 months ago, I was stunned, I ahadn't seen her since high school, she was was year younger I know who she is I think she knows who I am but we never talked. So my cousin had asked her if she was single and she supposedly had a bf.....fast forward 2 months to yesterday I saw this same girl in local store we exchanged glances and I walked out....wanting to say something or ask her out but I felt weird or stalkerish....lol

Thing is she is a teacher which I LOVE and I think she seems like a really nice girl....How do I contact her? I do have her email address .......any options?

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You have her e-mail address?


How'd ya get that?


I think you should e-mail her!! I would get right to it. That way its out there and if she doesn't respond, you'll have her answer. I would say it in a way that seems casual....


"HEY hot teacher chic - I saw you in the store the other day but was in a hurry so couldn't stop to chat.


How are you? How've you been since HS...blah blah blah etc.


I'd like to get together with you sometime. If you're free to come have a drink with me on Friday nite, give me a call, I'd love to catch up! 408.555.1234


Hope to hear from you!



What do you tihnk of that?


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The google thing is a little stakerish, but who knows, maybe she'll be flattered that you tracked her down. Since your cousin is friends with her, why not ask your cousin if she will ask the woman for her phone number on your behalf? Her reponse will tell you if she is interested and if you get her info this way, you won't seem as stalkerish.

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