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About a year ago, i fell in love with a girl. I didnt stop thinking about her, nothing got my down, i was just happy all the time. After a while, we finished because we didnt want the same thing. Now i cant seem to get the same feeling with anyone else, i often think about her, but i think its just lust.

I just want to feel the same way about someone else, but atm i cant seem to do it. Its annoying me so much, all my friends are settling down with people, and its just not happening for me.

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About a year ago, i fell in love with a girl. I didnt stop thinking about her, nothing got my down, i was just happy all the time. After a while, we finished because we didnt want the same thing. Now i cant seem to get the same feeling with anyone else, i often think about her, but i think its just lust.

I just want to feel the same way about someone else, but atm i cant seem to do it. Its annoying me so much, all my friends are settling down with people, and its just not happening for me.


hi - you and me both maybe it's just not our time...

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LOL - I am not trying to be mean!


No, what I mean is that special "spark" or chemistry is very rare. You don't have it with everyone you meet, even if they are the entire package (smart, attractive, funny, etc.) It can be a while sometimes before you meet someone you really connect with. I've been on a HUGE string of first dates lately, no one's really caught my attention. *SIGH*

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel the same way about someone I broke up with on February 22nd, 2006....like all the sad love songs I hear I think of him. I've even dated two people after him. I thought I was over him but he IM'ed me a couple weeks ago and I went and "talked" to him, and all those feelings came rushing back when I was in his arms again. I miss him so much but I know we can never be together again because I did something very bad to him, I cheated on him (long story but I thought we had broken up when I "cheated" on him) and now all his friends and family hate me. And needless to say he has no trust or respect for me at all now. But he told me he missed me so much that night a couple of weeks ago, and we made love and I try not to think of him so much but he always crosses my mind because I think he was my first true love.


"Love is the best feeling in the world unless the one you love doesn't love you back, then it's the worst feeling in the world."

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11 months for mesince I broke up with the person I had such an incredible connection with...Have been dating and hanging out since November...


Have seen around 16 girls and have no interest in any of them..They are nice and I like spending time watching a movie or eating but I have no desire to be with them...


I have done a lot of thinking and don't think I will ever meet anyone where I have a connection that storng with anyone else, unfortunately...

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LOL - I am not trying to be mean!


No, what I mean is that special "spark" or chemistry is very rare. You don't have it with everyone you meet, even if they are the entire package (smart, attractive, funny, etc.) It can be a while sometimes before you meet someone you really connect with. I've been on a HUGE string of first dates lately, no one's really caught my attention. *SIGH*


yes the same thing happened to me last year. I thought I wasnt going to feel the way I felt about the guy who broke my heart about anyone else ever and I was sad about that.


lots and lots of first dates.


then I met my boyfriend and without sounding corny, i just knew and within 20 minutes of our first date i was hoping it wasnt going to be the last.

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I was in love with this one girl for 5 years, and when I finally got over her i felt stranded. How can I move on after feeling such intense emotions for someone?


Just takes time. Youre not going to feel exactly the same with any two people, and you wont feel such strong emotions when you first start a relationship with someone. These emotions take time to build.


Find someone youre interested in and see if anything grows from it. If not, then maybe you should move on.


Whatever you do, dont compare emotions. Trust me.

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