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I was diagnosed with Anorexia and my doc told me I lack calcium. That will eventually lead me to bone related problem when I'll be old and have andro-pause. He prescribed me some calcium pills blended with vitamin-B complex. But I had to discontinue it as I went through unbearable side effects caused by this vitamin factor. Oral vitamin pills never suit me as I lose appetite, have constipation and acidity and the sense of taste goes down. The doc says I have no other option but to tolerate these side-effects but I must consume vitamin and calcium pills.


Can anyone suggest me any solution to mitigate these side effects?

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I'm going to assume that you didn't take the calcium with food since you said you have anorexia.


You should always take calcium with food, if not you can suffer. Calcium should also be taken with magnesium at a ratio of 2:1, for example 1000mg of calcium with 500mg of magnesium to ensure that the calcium is laid down in the bone otherwise the calcium can become lodged in soft tissue such as arteries, heart, liver and kidneys and cause problems.

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If pills are a problem, you can just as easily get powder or liquid multiple vitamins. It is essential for recovery from anorexia and for your long-term good health.


Taking it with food or a medication that sooths your stomach is a great idea. I strongly suggest maintaining an active lifestyle that involves physical fitness activities. It can do wonders and help you with appetite.


For increasing appetite I suggest you talk to your doctor about injectible vitamin b-12. b-12 is not very orally bioavailable but in injectible form, it can be quite potent. You get the health benefits and a little appetite boost to boot.

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