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Anyone on here unsucsessful with the opposite sex?

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i seem to attract men who just want sex, men who have less education than me, men who barely make enough to make ends meet, fat men, balding men, ugly men, short men, dumb men, abusers, men who comment about my body.......im a man magnet alright.


especially for all the jerks out there. do i have a jerk radar turned on??

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I feel your pain.I feel your pain.I'm going to buy me some silver bullets and garlic to get rid of my casual sex jerk men.



i seem to attract men who just want sex, men who have less education than me, men who barely make enough to make ends meet, fat men, balding men, ugly men, short men, dumb men, abusers, men who comment about my body.......im a man magnet alright.


especially for all the jerks out there. do i have a jerk radar turned on??

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When I was single and dating women, if on the first or second date she wanted sex, I would oblige but wouldn't want a relationship with her after this. The ones who made me wait until I had got to know them where the ones I formed relationships with.


I know this is a double standard and I did sleep with them but I didn't necessarily respect them because they obviously didn't respect themselves.


Don't give it up so easily, you are letting a man you barely know enter your body, this is something you shouldn't do at the drop of a hat.


Just my opinion.

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Having a conversation with a girl at the bus stop or any other similar situation to that never happens to me.


As far as work is concerned, yeah, it's happened, I've never really thought of asking them out though, maybe I should do that next time if we have a good rapport.


Try coffee or lunch with a girl at work first, then drinks after work ...


It might not work with all girls but I could be your bridesmaid within 2/3 years.

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i seem to attract men who just want sex, men who have less education than me, men who barely make enough to make ends meet, fat men, balding men, ugly men, short men, dumb men, abusers, men who comment about my body.......im a man magnet alright.


especially for all the jerks out there. do i have a jerk radar turned on??


Surely some of them must have some redemming features??? I'm fat and balding but I still have my share of beholders because some (0.5%) of women overlook this because I'm tall, got piercing blue eyes and look about 10 years younger than my true age.


Likewise, there's many girls/women who are too fat, too thin, wear the wrong clothes, etc etc but some of them have this indefinable something that attracts me to them.

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Teacup wrote fat men, balding men, ugly men, short men, dumb men, abusers, men who comment about my body.......im a man magnet alright.


Um, are you really going to lump in "fat" "balding" and "short" men with abusers? My ex boyfriend is overweight, balding and short - he was also a man of integrity, loyalty, brilliance excellent character and depth - and caring, loving, etc. No, he wasn't a good match for me but not because of his looks. I am short and considered attractive but thank goodness I don't want to date you ;-), because apparently being short is just as bad as being "dumb." My current boyfriend, who I love to pieces, is short. He is also all the other qualities (and then some!) I mentioned about my ex. Thank goodness he has many wonderful people in his life (he is a friend magnet and these friends are as good as gold for the most part) who don't dismiss him as some kind of "jerk" or "loser" for being 5"5.


I have also been with tall and very hot men. Some of them had wonderful qualities - some did not - I certainly won't generalize about the relationship of inner qualities to looks.


I have no issue with people being attracted to certain people and not others, but to complain about being a man magnet for jerks, including those who are balding, fat and/or short . . . . well that statement sounds a little tactless to me. Perhaps it is just in the way you wrote your post. I sure hope so!


Good luck.

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