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Would a 30 year old guy who is only joking around tell you, "my family thinks that I should marry you." even though they may say it in passing? Do you think that if a guy says that he really cares or can guys just joke about stuff like this and not have any meaning in it at all?

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My boyfriend this past weekend said to me jokingly "what ever happened to for better or for worse? Oh wait, we're not married... yet".


What does that tell me? He's serious about our relationship right now. But who knows what will happen in a year. Or 5 years.


It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside that he said it, but I didn't take it as a proposal or a promise of a future together.


I would take it as a grain of salt right now. But if you really want to pursue this guy with the intention of getting married, ask what he meant. Or if he's thinking about it.

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He's probably half-thinking about it (his family sure planted the idea in his head) and brought it up to see your response. If he had absolutely no desire to marry you, he probably wouldn't have brought it up at all (unless he was totally trying to play you), so I'd just playfully brush it off and see where it goes.

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I think he brought it up because he was thinking about it.


Does it mean he was joking? No.

Was he saying it because he wants to get married righ now? No. Not necessarily.

He said it because he was thinking about it right then. ALL it says to me is that he was thinking about it.


I'd say he's happy with you.

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