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Hi, my name is James, and Im 17 years old and the grl is also 17. We go to the same school, and take a couple of the same classes. We hang out a lot, and talk alot, but it's usually through AIM and TXTING, cuz we are both VERY SHY toward each other. And when we talk to each other her face always turns red, and moves away from me. Ok, so Ive liked this girl for almost half a year. I am a very outgoing guy when im around my close friends, but around this girl I am very shy, and rarely show my feelings for her. And so A week ago, I was talking to her brother about women problems (we are close friends) and I decided to tell him that I used to like his sister (when I really still do). And he tells me that she's liked me for the longest time (this came as a real shocker, i guess she can really hide her feelings). So I gather all my courage, and tell her that I like her. She tells me she does too. (But I don't ask her out yet, cuz this was the week of SAT's and didn't want to pressure her.) And, so the week after the SAT's I see her, and she is still shy, and can't open up to me. but, she is absolutely fine to other guys, and can even flirt with them IN FRONT OF ME! I hate that. So I decided to act pissed at her. She asks whats wrong through AIM cuz she can't approach me in person. I tell her im pissed, but give no reason. And we haven't talked since then. But her brother calls me the other night and tells me that Im retarted, and says that she thinks I hate her or something like that, and is really heartbroken. But in reality I am really heartbroken cuz she can't even talk to me, but can flirt with other guys right in front of me. WHAT DO I DO?! IM GOING NUTS? Her brother tells me to ask her out. But, how do I even start talking to her again. We ignore each other in the halls too. THATS how closed we are and don't show our feelings. IT"S BAD AND I NEED HELP!

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Ok bro here is what i did...i was in a situation just like yours a couple years back....Just go up to her and say you had a bad week...name a couple things that could have gone wrong at your house...*broke your guitar strings...fell down the stairs...* Go with that then say your sorry for ignoring you and see if you can go out some time.

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Tell her the truth more or less. Just say that you like her and would like to go out with her and apologise for acting weird. Say you were shy about asking her and it made you act like that.


Don't say you can't ask her out - of course you can!!


Good luck.

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ok you should ask her out - that will save you from a lot of trouble.. She probably expected that you would ask her, and got mad when it didn't happen.


You know how she feels. There's no fear of rejection. Think of asking her out as making things official.. it's a necessary formality that doesn't contain any risk at this point. It's as simple as saying a few words and not caring at all of the outcome, because you know it already. Consider yourself a lucky guy, sometimes I would give a lot if I knew the outcome beforehand..

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