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Help me with this girl!

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OK, I'll condense the story down a bit so you might be able to help me...here goes...


I have been friends with this girl for about 18 months. Started out at college and since then we have constantly grown closer. Up until 6 months ago she had a boyfriend so I couldnt move in.


After she split up with boyfriend, I tried to make a move and she said that she just wanted friendship and that she didnt want another boyfriend!


So we have talked loads and loads since, she calls me most nights and I call her some nights! I know loads about her and she knows loads about me!


So I settled for friendship but lately she's been strange. She keeps being complimentary, she suggested we go out last week - so we did and had a really good time - and now she has suggested we should go for a meal some time soon!


Is this a change of heart? She told me that I am priority over other boys that she talks to and that I never need to get jealous of her male friends since they don't compare to how me and her are.


So has she had a change of heart? Should I make a move? Or should I wait and carry on being friends?


Advice please people....I really would appreciate it here and I sure need it!


L x

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thats tricky. mabe instead of trying to make a move, you just communicate with her and ask her questions about your relationship. that seems like the best thing to me, but dont take just my advise. making a move might get her mad if she doesnt see you that way. mabe you could just ask her what exactly you and her are and what she sees in the future. just a suggestion

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I think to better answer your question, we have to know better about this person. How long you've been friends with her? Is she popular among guys? Does she has more guy friends than girl friends? It's hard to make a move when the girl has already labeled you as a "good" friend. I would be very careful moving forwade, as you have to value what is the risk involved if she feels offended that you want to pursue her. Try to loosen the mood a little, make some antics and see how she reacts? I think that's the safest way. Hope that helped.

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hi, im female, soo.. to me i think she has had time to get over her boyfriend, and is now ready to explore a new relationship, but before you count your chickens before they hatch, ask, ask her does she mean as a date, or as friends go out, you have the right to know before you go out, if its friends dont let her take advantage of your interest in her, make sure she pays for her own meal, or "friend date". hope this helps u a bit, good luck, debbie

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