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I'm new, advice please

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My Husband and I were making love on April 11th we were just using a condom that has a spermicidal lubercant on it. I asked my Husband to pull out so that he could check it and I guess his nail caught the top of the condom that's near the ring. Well, when he went back in I felt a sudden warmth and made him pull out again prolly a minute later and we discovered a hole that was prolly the size of a dime at the top near the ring, Well I've been super stressed out and haven't had a period yet. Is there a chance I could be pregnant even though he didn't ejaculate, and the hole being so high up?

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I don't want to scare the crap out of you but there's always a chance, even if he didn't ejaculate pre-cum has the most sperm in it. I'm not saying you're definitly going to get pregnant but there's a real possbility.

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41 days is a long time to still be having to question it. All you need to do is take a test...You'll have the answer in an instant. Being that late, I'd say your chances are sky high, but then again, for the situation that happened, I'd have to say it's a very unlikely chance. Your best bet...is to take an at home pregnancy test. Good luck.

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There is always the possibility that you could have become pregnant. Initially I was doing to say that you probably are not, and not to worry.


However you say that you are 41 days late. That would mean that is its been 41 days past since you should have started the last one, which would mean you have not had a period at least the last two times.


I am thinking maybe you mean is been 41 days since your last period started. IF that is the case then you are not quite two weeks late. Just wanted to clarify that part. Either case scenario you could be pregnant. It could be stress related, but the only way to know is to now take a test. As the other poster above said , you can know your results in a matter of minutes.

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Oh, whoops I did mean 41 days since my last period. Sorry. I have a pregnancy test that someone gave me as a wedding shower gift (weird conicidence, huh? I've been having a lot of those here lately as seeing pregnancy and baby things EVERYWHERE!) I'm just super scared to use it, I know childish right? But it hasn't been quite 4 weeks since the incident so I'm not sure if it would show up.

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If you have missed a period, the test should be able to give you an accurate result.



As for being afraid to use it, think of it this way:


You can panic and agonize over this for an indefinite amount of time (which is only freaking you out and not getting anywhere), or you can take the test and if it is negative, relax and be done with it (though you should see your doctor to find out what's happening with your periods), and if it's positive, you can begin to prepare and decide what you want to do while you still have options about whether to keep the pregnancy or not.


Makes sense to take the test, doesn't it?

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Glad to hear that Shewolf.


That must be a big relief off of your shoulders!


If your periods do not return within the next week or so (with the dramatic reduction of your stress level!), I would call and make an appt with your doctor to get checked out and just make sure nothing else is going on.

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I thought maybe you did mean 41 days since your last period, otherwise you would have been concerned long before now about pregnancy. Those pregnancy test are usually pretty accurate once you have missed your period. How regulated are your periods? Do they usually hit every 28 days or is it typical for you to be irregular at all ?


IF you are still concerned do another one in about a week. If it still shows negative but you do not start you period, you should consider seeing the doctor.

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