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Social misfit in need of guidance.

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Ugh... I don't even know where to start with this. There's this girl at work I'm into. And I think she digs me but I'm dense when it comes to being able to tell when someone likes me. She's very friendly and flirtatious with me, and she's gone out of her way to be nice to me, i.e., rubbed my back when I had a stomachache and fetched me a pillow when I was trying to sleep on an uncomfortable sofa in the employee lounge. My greatest fear is that I'm getting my signals crossed. Could she just be a kind soul with a flirtatious streak? Or does she like me? I figure I can either ask her friend to find out what she thinks of me, or I can cowboy up and make the first move ... an option that terrifies me. I really like her and I don't want to screw things up. Any thoughts on what I can do?

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Ask her to lunch or for drinks after work. If she misinterprets your feelings tell her you want her to remain your friend if anything should occur. Don't make a lot of false statements about how pretty she is -- she has heard that before. She sounds like she is a caretaker, let her fulfill your needs. It should be ok to touch her hand lightly during drinks and observe her body language. Most likely she will want to keep it on a casual dating basis. That is ok. Most relationships start out as friendships. Eventually she will make a move or you can start dating other people and see if that causes her to become more interested. As you develop confidence in this one relationship, others will come out of the woodwork. Be Patient and try looking at her eyes to she how she looks at you.

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