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I have a problem I am hoping someone can help me with, cuz it is driving me crazy. I have been friends with this guy for a long time we were close, but a few months ago I admitted to him I had feelings for him. We talked it out and he told me he can't allow him self to think of me that way, so we said would stay friends. It did put a bit of a strain on our friendship we were constantly fighting, finally we had a big blow up a few weeks ago and I said enough is enough he agreed that that he would stop with his constant guilt trips and arguing with me. He also told me after our "Big fight " that I push him away and have been doing it for a long time now". I admitted to him after that I was seeing someone and he was like Really? and I said yeah then like 20 mins after that he started talking about how his gf was hinting on getting married and that some of my girl friends need to help him find a ring. So mean while he has been dating this girl for about almost 7 months he got into this relationship a month after he ended a five year relationship. So needless to say he now refers to my bf as "my friend (who is male and has no name)" cuz I won't tell him anything and asks my friends about my bf but they won't tell him anything either. He got all weird when someone said my boyfriend was coming on this trip with me he kept saying how I am getting married and kept asking me who was going on this trip and kept hounding me and I wouldn't say anything then he just said just tell me if it isn't true then just say it so I said it and he said I don't believe you. He also said to me one day that my one of my best friends who doesn't like him that it is important for her to like him. Lately he has been talking about himself being naked and making alot of sexual comments and how he will miss me when I leave this week for a vaction out of the country. So I said I would see by and I would see him in a week. so today he was supposed to go to his gf grad today (which I found out from someone else, because he rarley talks about her in front of me) and on his way there he called my cell and left a message about how he saw what the weather was like there and to have a great trip. He also took a pic of me with his cell phone on my b-day when he thought I didn't notice. Ok so my question after this is if he doesn't feel the same and he is dating this chick then why is he so preoccupied wanting to know everything about me and constantly flirting. IS it just like an ego boosting thing, a head game or does he really have feelings? It is driving me mad wht is this guy doing?

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daisy - people like to be chased and sought after.


Case in point - my sister had this guy after her forever - she wasn't at all interested in him. He kept chasing, she kept running. He finally gave up and started after someone else. She was sooooo jealous and did whatever she could to keep them apart, just so she could feel good about being persued.


If you chase, he WILL run. But if you start running, you may find, he'll start chasing you.


Weird? I think so. I don't get it, but it seems to work.

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o wow...i can somewaht relate. i didnt tell my guy friend. he made it VERY CLEAR he liked me even loved me. and as soon as i reciprocated that (it took me a long time because i fell in love with him, it wasnt immediate attraction) he basically withdrew. guys go after girls they think they cant have or will always be a challenge. but i mean do you like this guy still? you ahve a bf and he has a gf....this is a little unfair to your partners. straight up, who cares wat hes feeling if you dont like him in that way anymore.

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Yeah I still care about him. He has been there for me when it counted before when I did need him. I wish I could just get past it and move on but for some reason I just can't. My relationship with my boyfriend is newand so far not working very well, I keep thinking that if I just date someone else who is wonderful I can put this guy behind me and not give him a second thought. But it is like this guy won't let me, he demands my attention and cuz I do care about him, I get sucked into this game. I don't know what to do about it?

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getting into a relationsihp in hopes of forgetting someone else is not the way to go. if you really care about this guy then talk to him and see what is going on in his head. because if this relationsihp with your current bf is new and rocky thats not a good sign. there are clearly some issues here....and this "distraction" is not going to work.

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