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Girlfriend broke up with me same day had relations with another guy

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Just curious if anyone had the a similar experience.. My girlfriend broke up with me and the same night she started seeing another man and 2 days later she had sexual relations with him. Not to mention shes pregnant. Apparently he wasnt interested in her after he had sex with her so i guess she realized she "loved" me and came back. Shes also 5 months pregnant which what i think is mine. Im with her now but I cant seem to forget what she did. Anyone in a similar relationship????

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It seems the universe still isn't without a sense of irony.


Just out of interest hasn't there been medical tests to find out who the father is? I assume that's possible before birth, isn't it?


I can't say I've ever had anything as extreme as that happen to me. My second girlfriend did decide to break up with me and then make out with several guys the next day at a party~

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Ummm. ..I haven't been in a relationship like that exactly, but similar. So, what I can tell you is cover your tracks. Th reason I say this is because you don't know who ALL she is sleeping with and for that matter does she??? So, PLEASE don't not have unprotected sex unless she gets tested. Also regarding your feelings....ask yourself "Do I really want to be with her?" If you can honestly say that you don't then LEAVE. If you want to then you need to learn how to completely forgive her. Otherwise you will never let her live what happened down or yourself. But, if you don't know...try some seperation and see what your hearts begins to tell you. AND WATCH HER ACTIONS!! In that small time frame watch what she does. That will really tell you a lot about her character. Hope this helps!! Good Luck

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definitely have that test.


If it is yours then seriously try to convince her to have an abortion because if she pops out your spawn she will have you by the nuts in a legal sense for the next 18 years.


And do you really want this ho' as your baby's mama?

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definitely have that test.


If it is yours then seriously try to convince her to have an abortion because if she pops out your spawn she will have you by the nuts in a legal sense for the next 18 years.


And do you really want this ho' as your baby's mama?


She is five months pregnant. Do you realise that at that far along if she went into preterm labor the baby would survive?


YOu sound like you have a jaded view on fatherhood. He should definitely have a test but if the baby is his its not the mom that has him by the nuts but his own offspring... you should make sure dude if you sleep with someone that you protect yourself so that no babies mama has to put up with you for any length of time!

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She is five months pregnant. Do you realise that at that far along if she went into preterm labor the baby would survive?


YOu sound like you have a jaded view on fatherhood. He should definitely have a test but if the baby is his its not the mom that has him by the nuts but his own offspring... you should make sure dude if you sleep with someone that you protect yourself so that no babies mama has to put up with you for any length of time!


It's hard to not have at least a minor form of his outlook on "fatherhood" after seeing people working hard labour jobs day in and day out, having 75% taken from them, and then the end result is the child getting a $5 check at the end of the month. If I had a dollar for every time that some kid that I have known was getting his money taken from him or her by the other bio-parent, I would have a lot of dollars. I do think that 5 months is a little late, though.

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It's hard to not have at least a minor form of his outlook on "fatherhood" after seeing people working hard labour jobs day in and day out, having 75% taken from them, and then the end result is the child getting a $5 check at the end of the month. If I had a dollar for every time that some kid that I have known was getting his money taken from him or her by the other bio-parent, I would have a lot of dollars. I do think that 5 months is a little late, though.


I agree, but there is a saying, 'If you can't pay the fiddler, don't do the dance.'

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My ex boyfriend completely broke my heart over a Friday lunchtime, we broke up and I went home and cried til about the Tuesday! I found out that on the Saturday night he went out with his mates on the town, met a girl, and they ended up together, he is still with her now, they live together, I was devestated, to think that on that Saturday night, the DAY AFTER we had broken up, I was lay on my friend's bed crying my eyes out while he was out meeting someone new. BASTARD!

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