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2 year older....... does it matters???

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hi everyone..


This problem have bother mi for the past few mth. i knw this gal in my class which is older than mi 2 year, she is a very quite gal. she don talk much in class. so, i don really talk to her. At tat time, i don have the feeling for her. Time past, n it have reached last 1/2 of the year in sch. she starting to get along with the grp of the fren. with the grp of fren, we when out a few time. i have notice tat she will look at mi some of the time, and my fren say tat she treat mi better than other guy. the feeling for her started when 1 of my fren r interested in her too. So i cant stop n do nothing. rite?


But the problem is.. she have a longterm relationship BF. i cant jump to her jus like tat. so i confront with her after a few days after some consideration. but nothing work out, she had told mi the age problem thing. but i don mind.. really!! so abt a mth later i bulid up my courage to ask again. as i heard tat she and her BF have a break up.


As i found out tat she think i was joking when i ask her for the 1st time. As this time was the 2nd time, she knw i was not joking. she did told mi tat she have feeling for mi, but she cant let the relationship go with her BF as it been a long time. and it was some sort of rejection at tat time. i really don knw if she will accetp mi if she let go of the last BF. she say to mi b4 tat she feel more comfortable with mi rather than the other fren tat interested in her.


=Does age really matters to a gal which is older than the guy?

=Is she trying to comfort mi by saying she have feeling for mi?

=do i really have the chance if she let go of the relationship?

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Two years in public school is a bit too much of a jump I think... only because of differences in maturity levels. In high school and beyond two years doesn't matter at all.


However if you really like her you should consider whether the two of you are compatible. If so go for it... if she seems a bit more mature then you care to be at your age wait until you grow up a bit or vicea-versa.


The major problem is her long-term bf. If I was you I'd just avoid her then. It's not worth it. Wit for her to get over it, otherwise you're just going to get rejected. It won't be anything personal either, it's just the way it'll be. It's a tried, tested and true formula for heartbreak.


I'm not sure what you mean in the last part of your message about "other fren" I can't figure out if you mean her ex, someone named Fren or what... Regardless don't worry about them, wait for her to get over her boyfriend then move in.


I hope this has helped.


P.S. I'm not sure when she told you she had feelings for you... was it before the breakup or after... that would help me figure things out.

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Thank alot heretic...


wat i mean by fren = friends. so sorry if u cant figure out. we have 1 group of friends tat alway get along together. So, she started to join in our group at abt last 1/2 year. we r both already in our 20's.


It was the 2nd time when i ask her how she feel abt mi... then she told mi tat she did have feeling in mi too. wat i knw is tat, she n her BF break during tat time. but she is trying to settle it as she cant let it go. but i don knw how she settle it?? she had also told mi tat her BF willing to let go of the relationship, n he is the 1 who wannted 2 break.

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