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Same old story, nothing new still going through this horrible pain, it is not getting any better..


I miss him so much, I hate myself for being a sensitive person. I wish i was emotionally stronger.

It hurts so bad...

He is very happy with his new love

I am slowly dying everyday..Yes it is another form of death.

I want to hate him but more i try more I love him...

and more i want him

I want to forget everything about him, but i can not.

Everything is sad around me...........


And i wonder if he ever thinks about me?


Currently i am listening to sad songs with lot of tears.....Sorry i have nothing but pain....

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I went through something like that... I think we all have at one time or another. You just need to find inner strength and try to "choose" not to feel like this. Even if it is hour to hour. Keep yourself busy. When I went through it, I literally could not care for myself. I called out sick, wouldn't eat or get out of bed for days. I didn't care if I lived or died. When you are going through it it's hard to see the light at the end. Try not to do what I did. My mother had to come over and kick my _ _ _. She forced me to get up and to take control of my life. Cry as you need to as it will help you to heal. Just get it all out. I feel so bad for you... trust me... it gets better. (hug)

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I've been there too, my friend.


I was a total mess the first day of the breakup. Now, after a month and a half, I am much better. I'm not 100% healed yet, but a lot of the pain is gone.


I think the sooner that you realize that you can never be together again, the sooner you start the actual healing process. Just keep your chin up.


Someone that makes you cry, isn't worth crying over.

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I've been reading your posts and I feel very badly for you! I went through a lot of the same feelings that you are going through now.


I know someone said it in a previous post, but I'll go ahead and repeat it. You seem like a very poetic writer, and I bet writing is helping you get through this process? When my boyfriend broke up with me about 2 months ago I started a daily journal just saying what I was feeling at the moment and it did seem to help when I verbalized some of my emotions.


I thought about him constantly just like you are doing now. Although it was mostly a cyber relationship, we talked about everything and anything. So in other words, EVERYTHING around me reminded me of him. I felt like I just couldn't get away from him.


I'm a pretty busy person, but one thing I allowed myself to do was to feel sorry for myself and cry after my children were in bed. I derived a weird comfort from listening to sad breakup songs. I read his old emails but felt sick and hollow inside because his messages were so full of love for me - how could he have changed his mind so quickly?


Finally about a month ago I woke up with a sore throat. That was good enough for me! I called in sick to work, sent my kids to school, and treated myself to a really nice pity party. I deleted most of his messages while listening to Sheryl Crow's "My Favorite Mistake" and threw out a lot of physical reminders. I felt a little better after that, but I realized that I couldn't seem to survive with the few special things I kept. On a recent weekend, while my kids spent two days with grandparents, I gave myself ANOTHER pity party, got rid of everything else I had that reminded me of him, and wrote the longest journal entry a person could possibly write. I wrote down everything I could possibly think of about him and our relationship. Then I printed it off, read it outloud to myself twice, spoke a few words outloud to him as if he was standing next to me, tore up the journal entry and threw it in the trash.


I'm not close to being over him, but I do feel a lot better now, especially since I wrote to this forum for the first time a few days ago. I didn't feel myself improving every day, but I could tell that each week I was getting a little bit better.


I don't know if this would work for you, but I felt I had to be proactive and take aggressive action to get over him.


I hope you feel better some time soon, and please keep us posted!

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I know exactly how you feel...read my post if you haven't already...I titled it "i can see no hope" for good reason. I have found comfort on others' experiences...you will too. Arielle's advice is good: get rid of physical reminders, write letters and read them out loud...then shread, scream & cry, get all the negative energy out. I also went to a naturopath and she gave me 'oat combination' for anti-anxiety so I don't feel the pain in my gut so much. Keep posting and reaching out...I am with you.

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Sorry for the pain you are feeling and although I have no advice regarding your relationship issues I do feel that this might be a great time to really ramp up the exercise program - get those endorphins flowing. The benefit of feeling really physically healthy and confident at times like these is really underrated.

Good Luck - Not much immediate help but know that the pain will fade.

God Bless!


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hey first of all i wud like to give u a nice warm hug for hanging in there it will pass.ur msg has given me loads of hope and i really look forward to today as a new day withing something great for me., read your posts and cried my heart out.secondly you have given me faith to carry on as well. i would certainly try and overcome it and help you do the same.lets give each other hope and remind ourselves everday about life beyond a relationship that we never really deserved.cheers.god bless

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