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I met a guy on saturday...

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Okay well that was my first time out in ages. I was kinda drunk...


Everyone was kinda drunk really. So I was walking from one club to another. My friends were up ahead of me because my high heels were killing me and I had to walk slow. Then I saw him with some of his friends.


I can't remember what we were saying but he offered to give me a piggy back to the next club down the street Initally he was going to go to another club with his friends but he went in with me to the club my friends and I were heading.


I was with him for the night in there we got on great. Then I was really drunk and said we should go back to his place

We didn't have sex since he didn't have protection. He gave me oral sex though

The next morning he kept kissing me and asked me to go out with him on friday to a pub he walked all the way into town with me. We were holding hands and he was carrying my shoes and paid for my taxi home...


He asked for my number just before I drove off and he text me on monday just wondering did I get home alright.


Y'see the thing is, is that he never mentioned anything about friday when he text me.


Could I have ruined my chances by acting so sluty and spending the night in his bed????


I'm 18 he's 22 next month I really like the guy

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I don't think you ruined your chances by acting the way you did. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then just let him know that you were drunk and were sorry things got a little out of hand, but that you don't regret it. However, you'd like to back up just a bit and start over Nothing wrong with that.


But, if you don't feel uncomfortable, then don't worry about it.

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Yeah... I would say "go for it" but...... you might want to let the sexual stuff develop slowly..... He might be thinking "oh, I have a condom now... we can go all the way"... So, I don't know if you were using your drunkness as an excuse for doing something you really wanted anyway, or not. But, if you think of him as "Relationship" material I think you should slow things down a bit and get to know him a bit more so you can figure out what he is really looking for.

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okay we met up at nine o clock in town he was kinda late though then we got coffee...i had to pay... nothing weird about that really but then i noticed he was looking through his wallet full of fiftys then i gave him back the cab money that he paid for me last week he took it straight away.


then we went to a pub and he said, as soon as we got there - ''so what are we having''


i had to pay for the drinks...

by then i was getting a liittle pissed off


after that i paid for chips and coke for both of us


i don't even have a job that was my allowance money for the month gone


another 20 to get a cab home too

i feel like a cheapskate complaining about this but this guy has a full time job like


he asked me to go out tomorow night clubbing but i'm completely broke...help

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Um....stop. You shouldn't be picking up the tab if you go out again.


I'm a bit of a chauvanist, but I would pick up the tab on a date....especially if I knew my date had no job.



And hearing you blew 1 week worth of "Allowance money" on 1 date makes me go "d'awwwwwww "



Acctually, I even pick up the tab for a girl even when I'm not out on a date....

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He asked you out. I can't believe he had you pay when he was the one that asked you out in the first place. For coffee no less... the cheapest date in the book. (next to a "walk on the beach"... or "check out my record collection").


Move along... move along...

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Okay, I went out with him again on saturday and this time I just paid for myself. I know I shouldn't have given his bad impression on friday. But now I'm glad I did. I really don't know what's going. He's such a nice guy, really.


He's the kinda guy (well so far anyway) that holds doors open for me and stuff which I think is cute. It's his birthday on friday. He shouldn't be expecting a present from me since I only know him a week and a half...or should he be?


He seems intrested since he asked me to meet up with him again on wednesday after college.


NJRon, I guess (presuming you're from the US) that it's different over here. It really is the norm to just ask someone out to coffee or even drinking in a field with a some friends. Maybe it's a different a culture I'm not sure or maybe it's because we're still pretty young.

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It's his birthday on friday. He shouldn't be expecting a present from me since I only know him a week and a half...or should he be?


He seems intrested since he asked me to meet up with him again on wednesday after college.



I'm sure he doesn't expect a present, but since you two are planning to continue seeing eachother, I think it would be nice to give him a card or at least a 'Happy Birthday' phone call.

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